Chapter 13

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Emma froze. The creature was real, and it was right in front of her! She tried calling out for help, but couldn't move. Kayson! Xander! Someone! Please, help me! She silently pleaded. 

A loud thrumming of fast rhythmic footsteps reached her ear. Someone was coming to her rescue! 

"Emma?!" Kayson's voice sounded close. "Emma!" He gasped when he saw the large creature looming over her. 

She tried to cry out for help, but all she could do was look at him. She hoped he could see the pleading in her eyes and save her. 

"Xander!" Kayson called as he ran back into the forest. 

What in the world is he doing?! Emma watched in fear as the beast slowly came closer. No, Please! Go away! I’ll go back home, I promise, just leave me alone! Emma didn't know what to do. Her nightmare was becoming a reality and there was no one who could save her. Kayson had run back into the forest to go fetch Xander, who was probably lost. 

“Emma!” Xander’s voice sounded from behind the creature, and it whipped around to face him. “What the blazes is that?!” 

“No time to explain! Distract it while I get Emma!” Kayson yelled. 

Kayson came back! 

"Hey! Whatever you are! Follow me!" Xander turned to run back into the forest, but the creature turned back to Emma. "No! You're supposed to be interested in me! Not Emma!" Xander started to jump up and down to get the creature's attention. 

It inched closer to Emma, a low growl sounded from it. 

"Emma! Run!" Kayson called. He was standing off to the side, waving her over. 

Emma just stared at him, panic draining the color from her face. I can't move! 

The creature growled again, but this time at Kayson. 

"Monster! Pay attention to me!!! I am the perfect piece of prey!" Xander yelled. 

"Xander!" Kayson shot. "You're not supposed to tell it to eat you!" 

The creature screeched, and took hold of Emma. 

She screamed in fear. 

"EMMA!!!" Kayson and Xander screamed. 

The creature ran with Emma in its grasp towards the direction they came from. It's taking me back home! Let go! I’m trying to break the curse! 


She could hear Kayson chasing after her. 

“Xander, grab a rope!” he instructed. “I’ll try to stop the monster!” Kayson ran in front of the creature and it stopped. 

The creature huffed in confusion. 

“You don't want to take her with you.” Kayson warned. 

Emma eyed Kayson, pleading silently that this worked. 

“Emma is not who you are looking for, she belongs here, and she will stay here.” Kayson said slowly. 

“Kayson!” Xander yelled. 

The creature snapped around to look at Xander. He had a rope in hand and was running towards them. 

“No, Xander! Stay over there!” Kayson called. He threw a rock at the creature and it turned its attention back to him. 

“What the blazes are you doing?” Xander exclaimed. 

“Saving Emma!” Kayson called back. “Let go of her!” he called. He threw another rock, hitting the creature in the eye. It screeched, and the rock fell to the floor in front of Xander. 

The rock went through it, but still injured it! Emma noticed. She looked back at Kayson. Keep throwing rocks! 

“It went through it.” Xander said quietly. 

“What?” Kayson stopped mid throw. 

“The rock went through the monster!” Xander said. He ran over to Kayson. 

“But it was injured.” Kayson threw another rock. 

“Careful! You could hit Emma!” Xander grabbed Kayson’s arm as he picked up another rock. 

The creature leaned down and growled at Kayson and Xander. “She will return with me to town no matter what you do!” it said in a low, menacing growl. 

“What?” Xander looked at Emma. 

“You will not leave with her!” Kayson denied. 

The creature screeched once more, and sunk into the ground. 

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