Chapter 1

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Emma Barns has always loved reading in her father's book room. Every morning after her ladies maid helped her dress, she would enter her father's book room and pick out the book she had been reading, or a new one that interested her. Her favorite stories are the ones her mother and uncle wrote. They were famous writers and Father always bought their books. She walked over to the couch she always read her books on, and picked up the book she had been reading that week. 

"Oh, Emma. I didn't expect you to be in here this early." 

Emma spun around at her father's voice. "Oh, Father. I woke up rather early today so I decided to come finish my book." She explained. 

"As always." Father walked over to his desk and pulled out multiple sheets of parchment. "Have you read any of my educational books?" He asked. 

"No, Father. I have not. I have been reading Mother's and Uncle's books." Emma said, standing up. 

"I see." Father dipped his recently sharpened quill into the ink jar on his desk. "You have always loved their books." 

"Yes I have. When are they coming to visit again?" Emma asked.

Father sighed, and placed his quill in its respective jar. "Your Mother and Uncle are very busy, Princess. I have no idea when they will be back in town." He leaned back in his old wingback chair. It creaked as he leaned back. 

"But it has been years since Mother was home, and it's been longer since Uncle has visited." Emma complained. 

"I know, Emma, but you can't rush work. Last I heard from your mother, she was working on another edition of Money Man with your uncle." Father picked up his quill again and started twirling it in his fingers. 

"She's always away. I miss her." Emma placed her forgotten book on the side table. She walked over to Father's desk. "Can you send a letter to her and see when she'll be in town next?" She asked. 

"I can try." Father said. He dipped his quill in the ink again and started writing. 

Dear Ammara, 

Emma is requesting you come home soon. She and I miss you ever so much and wish you to return to town. If you are not able to make it soon, please send word back of when you will be able to come back. 

With love, 

John Barns

Father folded the letter, then pulled the tug bell that summoned the door man. 

"When do you think she will come home?" Emma asked. 

"I don't know, Princess. It all depends on her." Father walked over to the door as the door man walked in. "Deliver this to Lady Ammara Barns, please." 

“Yes, my Lord.” The door man nodded, then left, letter in hand. 

"I hope Mother comes back soon." Emma walked over to the couch and picked her book up again. 

"So do I, Princess. So do I."

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