Mine [Draco Malfoy and X Reader Part1]

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Dumbledore: .. and the house cup goes
to.. Slytherin!
The whole of Slytherin jump up in joy snickering at the Gryffindors who look as distraught as ever.
Harry: (sighing) how did we lose to Slytherin out of all of the houses?
Hermione: (taking the loss pretty well) I'm not too sure but they did win a lot in Quiditch over the past week or so.. probably some new spell Snape came up with to make them win.
Ron: Bloody Hell.. I'm still proper shocked.
Hermione: (shaking head, sighing) catch up Ron
Dumbledore: due to the significant figures Slytherin won by there will be a party just for them in the Slytherin common rooms, accompanied by Severus Snape. This will be starting at 7:00pm sharp.
Draco: (quietly, to him self) yes!
Draco looks to the left of him to see Crab and Goyle cheering and going wild
Draco: Calm down you pillaks, it's just a party
Dumbledore: For the oldest year there will be drinks available.
Draco: Now your talking!
Crab: Draco could be your chance to get with y/n
(Goyle making kissing noises in the background)
Draco: shut up crab I don't understand on why your still hooked on this thought that you think I have a crush on y/n
Crab: mmhm sure thing
Draco: come on party starts at 7:00
Draco, Crab and Goyle all leave to go to the common rooms as Harry and the rest of Gryffindor slowly went back to theirs, sulking.
Y/n: alright Draco, ready for the party tonight.
Draco: y- yeah totally (saying, uneasily)
Y/n: good.. I'll see you then?
Draco: yeah of course
y/n leaves and Draco sighs
Goyle: still gonna try and deny you like her?
Draco: fine I might a bit but look at her!
All three at them stare at her whilst y/n slowly walks back to the common rooms. Her long, shiny, mousy brown hair perfectly fallen into place without her even putting in an effort, her skirt rolled up a bit to far that soon you'll be able to see her whole world(Draco wasn't complaining), and her wits was amazing so smart and was usually the first in class to get anything right.
Crab: cmon lover boy, gotta make you look hella sexy tonight.
Draco: Piss off
They all walk back to their common rooms giggling to themselves.
1 hour later
Meanwhile in the boys dorm Draco is finishing off getting dressed
Draco: do I have to wear this
Crab: yes, you need to impress y/n
Draco: ughhh (he says, annoyed)
Goyle: god sake Malfoy come out already!
Draco: shut up I'm coming
Draco walks out.. he's dressed in an all black suit with his hair loosely put back with gel. His top button undone.
Goyle: mate you can't go anywhere without having your top button undone can you?
Draco: it's fit
Crab: meh?
Crab and Goyle both laugh to each other
Draco gets embarrassed that they're taking the mick out of him
They keep laughing
Draco: I'd stop if I was you
It goes silent
Draco: thank y-
Then a sudden outburst of laughter from the both of them
Goyle: sorry, oh god it's so funny
Crab: yeah you look like a weirdo not gonna lie Malfoy
Draco grabs Goyle by the collar and pins him on the wall
Crab and Goyle both go silent, the laughter stops
Draco: not so funny now is it? both of you stfu or i will get my wand and Avada Kadrva you both. Understood?
They both shake their heads and are too shook up to respond
The boys can hear snape in the background shouting up saying..
Snape: you all have 2 minutes to be down here!!
Draco: cmon boys let's go
Crab&Goyle: yeah alright
Crab: oi Draco
Draco: what?
Crab: (joking) want me and Goyle to stay downstairs on the sofa tonight so you and y/n can have alone time?
Draco: yes.
Crab: w-what?
Draco: yes.
Crab: I was only joking you don't expect us to actually sleep on those uncomfortable things do you?
Draco: I do now, you offered.
Goyle: ugh you bastard
Crab: sorry..
They all go down and meet in the common room. Crab and Goyle head straight to the drinks bit Draco is waiting. The music blaring and Draco's eyes searching the room for y/n
Draco: (to himself) where is she?
Crab and Goyle come back over to Malfoy
Goyle: wanna drink dra-.. wow
Crab and Goyle both look at the stairs and draco follows their eyes. There y/n is walking down the stairs in the most beautiful red dress anyone had seen. She stole the whole show. Draco: fuck me😅
Crab: y- y- yeah
Goyle: jeezus
Draco: oi, oi eyes off pretty boys, she's mine.
Draco slowly walks up to the stairs and puts his hand out for y/n
Y/n: d- Draco, wow you look (pause) handsome.
Draco: and you my love
Y/n blood rushing to her cheeks and becomes shy. The music was getting increasingly louder getting harder to hear each other talk.
Y/n: wanna drink malfoy!
Draco: huh?!
Y/n: I said - do you want a drink?!
Draco: yeah go on then!
Y/n: ok! (She replied)
Y/n walks over to Malfoy and gives him his drink. A song comes on
Y/n: wooo! I love this song come on Draco come!
Draco: no, I can't dance
Y/n: aww cmon please
He can't resist her beautiful face
Draco: fine come on then
He says grabbing y/n's hand tightly
Draco watch's her dancing and can't help but smile
Draco: your so beautiful y/n I hope you know that.
y/n: (stops dancing) w-what?
Draco: you heard darlin'
Y/n blushes
Draco: it's so loud down here!
Y/n: I know!
Draco: wanna go somewhere quieter?
Y/n: like where?
Draco: ..my dorm room?
Y/n: (pause) ok. (She saying blushing)

Ahh hope you like this it's my first time
Part 2 soon if people like this!

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