Mine [Draco Malfoy and X Reader Part3]

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The next morning, in the Great Hall
It's 10:15 am at Hogwarts and all the houses are sitting in the great hall eating some breakfast. Draco and the others are all sitting down at the table but no sign of Y/n
Crab: where's y/n malfoy
Draco: why would I know?
Goyle: she probably ain't turned up because she's too worn out from last night.
Pansy: or she's just haven't shown up god i don't know why your all so worried (rolls her eyes)
All of a sudden the Great Hall doors fly open, it's Y/n.
Harry: this can't be good
Ron: she looks mad
Hermione; oh god.
Y/n: Draco!
Draco: (to all his mates) first name.. could be good?
Draco: (to all his mates) middle name.. not so good?
Draco: (to all his mates) full name.. shit.
Goyle: what did you do?
Pansy: probably something stupid as per usual.
Draco,Crab&Goyle: shut up
Draco: yes, darl-
Y/n: oh, don't you "darling" me, someone told me you slept with scummy Pansy last night after the party."
Pansy: I'm right here
Y/n: shut up (to Draco) well?!
Draco: what?! Of course not!!
Y/n: I swear to fuck if I find out your lying to me..
Draco: my love, of course not.
Y/n: are you 100% sure.
Draco: yes!!!
Y/n: fine
She goes and sits down next to him and puts her head on the table.
Draco puts his hand under the table and slowly puts his hand on her thigh. Y/n laughs
Pansy: what?
Y/n: nothing you bitch.
Pansy: calm down.
Y/n lifts her head up off the table.
Y/n: don't tell me to calm down.
Draco: it's fine darlin' leave it.
He hold on to her by her waist and holds her hand just in case.
Pansy: aww got Draco to protect you (in baby voice) because your a little, fragile princess.
Y/n: stfu!
Y/n stands up and goes for her but Draco grabs her by the waist and sits her down.
Draco: y/n leave. it.
Y/n: fine.
Pansy: aww you baby, you daddy little girl?
All: Pansy leave it!
Draco: yeah she is (winks)
Y/n and Draco both laugh
Pansy: ugh.. I don't wanna know
Y/n&Draco: hahaha
They all Carry on eating breakfast.
Blaise: what is that shaking the table? It's so annoying.
Draco: I think it's next to m-
Draco looks at y/n and is really shaking her leg.
Draco: never mind.
Y/n has her head in her hands and her leg was shaking like crazy.
Draco: what's wrong, princess?
Y/n: huh - oh nothing why?
Draco : don't lie.. what's going on?
Y/n: nothing what do tog mean?
Draco puts his hand on her thigh to make it stop shaking.
Draco: y/n
He turns her head towards him and looks at her in the eyes.
Draco: what is wrong
Y/n: I'm just really stressed out for the exam in potions because I haven't revised I'm doing crap in class and I'm gonna fail and I don't want to fail and I don't know what to do!
Draco: wow.. ok breath.
Y/n: sorry
Draco: don't say sorry for saying how you feel.
Y/n smiles
Draco: I'm sure you'll smash it, yiur the smartest girl I know. If your that worried I will sneak into potions and get you some liquid luck.. not that you need it.
Y/n: it's fine Draco thanks for the offer I couldn't have you getting caught.
Draco: ok as long as your sure. I'm obviously not gonna be in the exam so meet me in the common rooms after and talk to me how you think it went. I will be in there anyway.
Y/n: ok will do!
In the potions exam
Y/n: (in mind) shit, shit, shit I don't know any of these questions. Oh god I knew I would fail. Snape is gonna be so angry. Why don't I know anything? I don't wanna let Draco down. I - i- I can't breath.
Y/n stormed out of the exam room and rushed to the Slytherin common rooms.
Draco: oh your out ear- what's wrong.
Y/n: I don't know I think I'm dying!
Draco: what! What's wrong?
Y/n: I can't breath.
Draco: it's ok don't worry. (Quietly to himself) shit.
Draco: undo your top button take off your tie and breath with me ok.
Draco sat in front of y/n breathing in through his nose out through his mouth repeatedly. Trying to slow down y/n's breaths.
Draco: are you ok?
Y/n: (sigh) I think so... you saved me. What happened to me?
Draco: I think you had a panic attack darling.
Y/n: oh.
Draco: what happened in there?
Y/n: (burst out into tears) I-I'm so so sorry Draco it was just so hard I didn't know any questions but I really didn't want to let you down because I know you would he disappointed in me so I just freaked then I couldn't breathe.
Draco: my love, look at me. you would never ever let me down and I want you to know that now. Come here.
Draco gave her a big hug and a kiss on the forehead.
Draco: I'm just glad your ok now that's all.
Y/n: I am :)
Draco: Good. I love you
Y/n: I- i love you too

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