Mine [Draco Malfoy and X Reader Part4]

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The next day in class
Y/n is in class the next morning setting up in potions. Draco hasn't yet arrived. Harry struts in. He walks past y/n
Y/n: ugh
Harry: what's wrong with you?
Y/n: mind your business, Potter
Harry: oo feisty
Y/n: (sarcasticly) haha.. shut up
Harry: you know.. you shouldn't wear your skirt so short y/n
Draco walks into the classroom and Harry does not notice.
Y/n: Draco won't approve you talking to me, Harry.
Harry: who cares?
Y/n: go away Harry, Draco will loose it.
Draco: is there a problem here?
Y/n: he's just bothering me, let's go.
The Next day in the corridor.
Y/n is waking to the common room from the library. Harry walks up to her and tries to make a move.
Draco: (angrily) you ever fucking go near her again..
Y/n: Draco. Draco leave it my love, he's not worth it.
Come on, leave with me.
Draco: not until (pause) he has learnt his lesson.
Y/n: how about we just leave it. Please Draco?
Draco: fine y/n, this is only for you, you know. Your lucky potter. (Under his breath) bastard.
Draco spits at him, looks him up and down then links y/n's arm and walks back to the common rooms.
Draco: I fucking told you yesterday at the party.
Y/n: w- what?
Draco: I told you he would have his filthy eyes all over you.
Draco grabs her wrist aggressively and drags her back to her room.
Draco: just stay in her for the rest of today will you? Just read a book or something boring like that I don't know. Got some stuff to do. He walks out and slams the door behind him.
Y/n: It's not my fucking fault bloody potter can't keep his eyes off me. Brilliant now dracos pissed off with me. It's getting late anyway I'm just gonna get in the shower.
Half an hour later
Knock knock knock.
Y/n: fuck sake I've just got out the shower.
Y/n throws on a bra and some underwear and puts on a baggy Quidditch shirt.
Y/n: it's probably Jessie she always forgets her keys.
Jessie is y/n's roommate
Y/n: come back to get a condom for you and blaise (she shouts at the door, laughing)
She opens it and it's.. Draco.
Y/n: d- Draco. What are you doing here?
She pulls down her shirt so it's covering her self because she's only wearing underwear. Draco walks in without saying anything and scans the room then looks at y/n.
Y/n: well.. why are you here Draco?
Draco: I knew you'd be alone.. your roommates at mine shagging my best mate. (He laughs). You can let go of your jumper y/n, nothing you need to cover from me.
He firmly grabs her wrists and she lets go of her shirt which rides up just above her waist revealing her cheeky underwear.
Draco walks up to her and slowly puts her against the wall. He send soft kisses all over her face. Y/n let's out the softest of a moan.
Draco: (chuckles) I love how you just melt when I'm with you , y/n.
Y/n: I do not.
Draco: oh yeah?..
Draco slowly undoes her buttons on her shirt and gives her wet soft kisses all over the top of her chest.
Y/n: (in mind) oh my god.. what the fucks going on, I'm not complaining to be honest.
He starts giving her hickeys on the top of her breasts where her bra isn't covering.
Y/n let's put yet another soft moan. She puts her hand over her mouth before anything else comes out.
Draco: don't you dare cover you mouth darling.. I wanna hear everything
Draco grabs y/n and puts her on the bed and removes his shirt. Y/n can just see his six pack, his soft skin and Banging body.
Y/n knows that she only has underwear on underneath. They both kiss softly for a while but after starts to get more aggressive. She feels cold hands on the top of her thighs. Feeling Dracos rings digging into her. She lets out a small moan into Dracos mouth as she's kissing him. Draco stops kissing y/n for a second
Draco: (chuckles, breathless) you still not gonna admit you melt.
Y/n: I do not me-
She lets out yet another sharp moan and kisses Draco. Dracos cold hands on her thighs turnt her on like crazy.
Draco: I'm gonna carry on until you admit it.
Y/n: fine whatever (she says with swollen lips) you know your fucking sexy.
Draco: (laughs) oh whatever.
They both lay on y/n's bed.
Y/n: Jessie is probably gonna stay at your dorm so you can stay here with me if you want?
Draco: yeah ofc princess.
Y/n turns over on her side and lays her head on Dracos body. Draco kisses y/n on the forehead and plays with her hair. 10 minutes later..
Y/n: I'm going to bed because we have snape first thing tomorrow morning and I can't be falling asleep in his class.
They both laugh.
Draco: yeah true.. goodnight my love.
Y/n: night, sexy.
They both kiss and y/n turns around with her back facing him. Draco waits a moment then puts his hands on her waist and pulls her in tight. They spoon and Draco has his hand under y/n's shirt.
The next morning they both wake up in a rush. They overslept and only has 10 mins to get to snapes class.
Y/n: shit!
Draco - no reply. He's still asleep.
Y/n: ughhh dracooo!
Draco: ffs what?
Y/n: we've got fucking 10 mins to be at snapes class.. I ain't getting a detention.
Draco: shit.. let's hurry up then!
They both get dressed in under 2 mins and run out the door
Draco and y/n are walking along the corridor to snapes class which was lucky almost next to the Slytherin common rooms. Y/n and Draco walk into snapes classroom and sit down next to each other.
Snape: mister Draco Malfoy
Draco: what we wasn't even late!
Snape: I wasn't going to say that.
Draco: oh.. yeah?
Snape: I was just going to ask you why you have come to my lesson with the uniform uncompleted.
Draco: what do you mean?
Snape: your robe?..
Draco: huh?
Snape: where is it?
Draco: oh shit I must've left it in y/n's room.
Draco quickly covers his mouth.
Y/n: what the fuck Draco
Y/n slams her head on the desk out of embarrassment and groans. Draco is laughing to himself finding it funny. Y/n kicks him under the table.
Draco: ow
Y/n: shut up then.
Draco: it's fine (he says rubbing her back)
Meanwhile Harry is staring over at Draco and y/n looking hella jealous. Draco sarcastically smiles at him, proud of himself because he knows how annoyed Harry must've been feeling.
Snape: uh- um- you know what I don't care, I don't want to know, just go and get it. Now.
Draco: haha, fine.
Y/n: can't actually believe you malfoy (she says laughing trying to cover the embarrassment)
Draco comes back 5 minutes later with his robe on.
Snap: finally Draco I can now begin my lesson.
they are now half way through snapes mind numbingly boring lesson.
Draco puts his hand high up on y/n's thigh. Just under her skirt. Snape catches a glimpse of this.
Snape: you to outside.
Draco&y/n: us?!
Snape: yep! Now!
Draco: fine
Y/n laughs.
Snaps: Carry on the questions on page 394 i will be back.
Snape goes out to talk to them.
Snape: I only have a couple of things to say. One I'm happy you to are all loved up but I want no involvement whatsoever including seeing it. Two I have no clue or problem what you want to do in your time together but not in my classroom. Understood?
Draco: yeah whatever
Y/n: mhm.
Snape: Back inside now.
Draco and y/n both walk back inside and carry on with their textbook. After lesson they go back to the dorms.
Y/n: I'm so fucking shattered
Draco: same.. I'm gonna have a sleep.
Y/n: ok I'll come with.
They both go back to Dracos this time and sleep. Y/n wakes up before Draco. She's bored so decides to go on a walk. She leaves Draco a note saying

Gone for a walk, you know me my ADHD is going off the walls and I'm having a moment. Need to clear my head and move a bit so I've gone for a walk. I didn't want to wake you coz you looked so peaceful.
                     Lots of love - Y/n
Y/n leave but closes the door way to loud and wakes Draco up by accident.
He rolls over and sees the note.
Draco: ugh this girl honestly.
He gets up.
Draco: she must've only just left so I'll go and find her.
Y/n was walking along and sees Pansy standing around with blaise, crabbe and Goyle.
Y/n walks past but hears her name mentioned. Pansy hasn't noticed her so she tries to slowly and sneakily stay and listen
Pansy: y/n, she's such a whore she's sleeping with malfoy. She probably gets it from her mother.
Y/n: what?!
Y/n grabs her by the shoulders and turns her around.
Y/n: say it to my fucking face.. go on!
You can hear the argument from far away, soon there is a big crowd of people.
Draco: oh god please don't be y/n, please don't be y/n.
Draco starts to run towards the big crowd and pushes his way through. As he gets to the front he hears y/n
Y/n: that's it you tramp
Y/n swings for Pansy and punches her in the face. She pulls her hair and pushes her. Draco runs in and grabs y/n tightly.
Y/n is wrestling in Dracos arms trying to get him off of her but he's holding her too tightly.
Draco: shh.. shh come on.
He walks away with her and the crowd follows Draco and her. Draco turns around to everyone.
Draco: fuck off! (He shouts)
The crowd backs off and goes back to Pansy.
Draco: what the fuck, y/n. What happened?
Y/n: oh yeah just blame me.
Draco: no, no I'm not I'm just wondering what the hell happened! (He shouted)
Y/n: (angrily) I was just walking along and I heard her talking shit about me. Saying I was a whore because I apparently slept with you and she said I got it from my mother so I punched her in the face.
Draco: it's ok. (He says trying to calm her down due to her still being angry)
Draco: that's my girl.
Y/n laughs.
They both sit on the floor. Y/n lays in between Dracos legs and he takes off one of his rings.
Draco: I know you love my rings.. you can have this one.
He puts it on her finger and laughs.
Draco: your hands are so small.
Y/n and Draco both laugh
Draco: are you ok now though?
Y/n: yes darling.
Draco: good *kisses*

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