Mine [Draco Malfoy and X Reader Part5]

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Over a few weeks
Dracos becomes more distant with y/n and she doesn't know why. It's been 3 weeks now and they've spoken only a few times. Something is definitely up. Y/n sees Draco in the corridor and calls him
Y/n: Draco!
Draco: what?
Y/n: where have you been I've missed you
Draco: yeah same.. I- uh- um have a few things going on right now.
Y/n: oh.. are you ok.
Draco: (pauses) y- yeah.
Y/n: ok
Draco: I'm so sorry y/n I've got to go I promise I will try and meet you later.
Y/n: (in mind) what the fucks going on with him?
In class
Y/n: Draco your actually here. You haven't been to class in a while.
Draco: yeah.
Y/n: are you sure your ok Draco?
Draco: mhm.
Trelawney: decided to show up for once malfoy? Where have you been?
Draco doesn't reply
Draco? Draco where have you been? Have you been skipping classes? Malfoy?
Draco: stop asking me so many fucking questions! (He shouts)
Trelawney: o- oh.
Draco storms out.
Y/n leaves and chases after him. Draco goes to the boys toilets and y/n follows. Draco has an anxiety attack. He has his hands in both side of the sink hanging his head low crying. His breathing patters are all messed up and sounds difficult to breath. He takes off his jumper with just his school shirt underneath and he undoes the first top two buttons. He is breathing heavily.
Y/n: Draco?
He turns around.
Y/n: come here darling..
He comes closer to her and she hugs him.
Y/n: it's ok.. shh I'm here.
Draco puts most of his weight on her out of exhaustion. Draco cuddles into y/n squeezing her tight.
Y/n: baby, don't you cry.. it's ok. (She says wiping his tears). Nobody's gonna hurt you, I'm here. Just me and you. I won't leave you here alone.
Draco: I can't do it y/n.. not anymore ( he says breaking down)
Y/n squeezes him tighter.
Y/n: my boy, you are so strong of course you can. Don't give up, baby. I love you so much.
Draco: I love you too.. (he says.. he has pulled himself together now)
I'm so sorry you had to see that it's quite embarrassing. It should be the other way round.
Y/n: as if Draco it's fine it's not embarrassing (she kisses him softly on the forehead.)
Draco: your the only thing keeping me going y/L/n i love you.
Y/n: cmon let's go back to the dorm.
Draco: ok.
They go back to y/n's dorm and they both fall asleep.
The next day
Draco: y/n I was wondering..
y/n: yes..?
Draco: well you know it's nearly Christmas break?
Y/n: Yeah
Draco: it's up to you but I was wondering if you wanted to come back to the malfoy manor this year for Christmas?
Y/n: yeah ofc. Thank you Draco.
Draco: no problem my love.
Y/n: I've missed having you around
They both go back to Dracos dorm.
Y/n: I'm just gonna change into a different hoodie quickly.
Draco: ok darling
Y/n takes off her hoodie wearing a short sleeve vest top underneath. She puts it on weirdly like trying to hide something. Malfoy notices. She puts it on and one of the sleeves was accidentally rolled up. Y/n had cuts on her arms. Draco sees but doesn't say anything for the minute.
Draco: are you ok?
Y/n: (laughs) ofc why?
Draco: seriously?
Y/n: yes, w- what's wrong why do u ask?
Draco: no reason just checking.
Y/n: ok
Later on all Draco is thinking about is y/n's cuts. They are sitting at the table in the great hall eating dinner. Y/n and malfoy are both finished. Draco can't bare to think of his girlfriend cutting herself.
Draco: y/n can I borrow you?
Y/n: yeah.. (pulls her sleeves down covering her wrists now)
Draco: you ok?
Y/n: ye-yeah
he grabs her hand and goes out of the hall
Y/n: what's going on
Draco stays silent until the dorms. They go into Dracos room.
Draco: show me.
Y/n: what?
Draco: show me!
Y/n: Draco
Draco: are you cutting yourself?
Y/n: dra-
Draco: Show Me!!
Y/n: what are you doing?
Draco: where?!
Y/n: stop!
Draco: where do you do it?!
Y/n: stop it get off of me.
Draco: I want to see.
Y/n: stop
Draco: where?!
Y/n: Draco get off of me!
Y/n: (out of breath) Fine! You wanna see?
She shows him her arm with cuts all on it.
Draco: (tearing up) h- how long have you been doing that?
Y/n: Draco I don't want you to cry.
Draco: (cry's) I don't understand why you would do that to yourself y/n! Is it because of me? Oh it is isn't it?
Y/n: no, no please don't feel like that. (Starts crying) it's not that simple. But it doesn't matter now.
Draco: your kidding, right? I am your boyfriend (slams his hands down on the side with aggression) please. Please just talk to me love. You've been drinking too.
Y/n: no I haven't.
Draco: do not lie to me.
Y/n: fine I might've had a couple but that's besides the point. It was only today.
Draco: no it's not! I'm worried about you y/n! First it's panic attacks.. then fights.. and now your (he hesitates) cutting yourself.
Y/n: I'm sorry Draco. I'm so so sorry.
She falls to the floor in disappointment. She starts crying again.
Y/n: I- i don't know why I done it I'm just so sorry.
Draco: it's ok
He hugs her as tight as he can for ages.
Draco: please please please just promise me something.
Y/n: o- ok
Draco: please come to me whenever you want. Whenever you get any thoughts of doing it again. No matter what time no matter where I am. I love you and will always, always be here for you. Please just don't do it again!
Y/n: ok I'm sorry.
Draco: you don't have to keep apologising it's fine.
Draco kisses her.
The next day
Y/n: can't believe we're going home for Christmas break already.
Draco: I know.
Y/n: cmon let's get on the train.
Draco sits down with blaise and Pansy.
Y/n: thanks babe.
Draco: what?
Y/n: sat with. My 2 favourite people.
Draco: sorry.
Y/n: It's fine.
Draco: I'll be back
Y/n: ok
Draco starts to walk off.
Pansy: your such a waste of space I don't even know why your here.
Draco overhears and Pansy&y/n sees
Y/n: Draco do-
Pansy: someone's mad. (To y/n) watch your man.
Draco: you should watch your mouth.. come on y/n we're moving.
He grabs her and sits in an empty space.
Draco: sorry i don't know why she's always such a bitch
Y/n: tell me about it.
Draco: I'm exited for you to come back though.
Y/n: same!
Draco: Merry Christmas sexy
Y/n: merry Christmas darling

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