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Elain stood on the balcony of her suite, overlooking the lush landscape of Vallahan. Despite its lack of blossoms and buds, she found that in her travels with Lucien this past five years, Morrigan's estate had the most beautiful view. The way that the sunrise crept across the hillside lighting the lawn like sparkling emeralds. Morrigan sometimes riding on horseback across the plains with Emerie sitting behind her, their laughter more beautiful than birdsong.

But they were at that point she'd come to expect in their travels where she had grown homesick, missing the warmth of the Day Court and her father-in-law's good humor. Homesick almost literally, seeing as it was roiling nausea that had propelled her to go outside on the balcony and breathe in the fresh air. Although this particular sensation was probably attributed to another condition she had...

"I'll be damned if I give you a moment's peace, lady."

Elain smiled, snorting softly as her mate's voice drifted to her from behind. She drew her dressing robe tighter around herself. "Despicable."

He hummed, lips pressing to the nape of her neck before he came to stand beside her. He held two steaming mugs of tea.

"Which one?"

Lucien extended the one in his right hand to her. "They are both herbal."

Frowning, Elain accepted her cup. "You don't need to deprive yourself of your favorites just for me, dearest."

"We're in this together," he said simply, before taking a long suffering slurp. "Mm. So delicious."

Elain laughed, shaking her head as she took a sip. "Solidarity is unnecessary, I assure you."

His free hand swept out to cup the small bump between her hips. "It's the least I can do." His thumb moved in idle strokes. "Do you suppose your sisters will forgive us for waiting to break the news?"

"I think they're more likely to be irked that Morrigan and Emerie knew first," Elain smirked, winding an arm around Lucien's waist and pulling him closer. She took another slow drink of her tea, shrugging. "But it's only fair seeing as Morrigan was the last to know with both Nyx and then Petra."

"Still mediating after all these years?" asked Lucien, his warm breath tickling her scalp. "You know that you are no longer the Emissary of House Archeron, right? They've all got to start maintaining their own relationships." He buried his nose in her hair, inhaling her scent. "And we're about to have our hands full ourselves."

Elain allowed herself a small smile. "Yes, I suppose that's true."

For a few moments they simply stood side by side, looking out at the view. Then in a quiet voice, one that was careful and hopeful, Lucien asked, "That vision you had... Has it changed?"

She looked up at him with a quirked brow. "Hm?"

"Well, it's been some time since we discussed it. I just wondered if after all these years... it may have changed."

Elain's smile broadened as she recalled the vision of their family, of their happiness, and their intertwined lives. No, it hadn't changed at all. Not after they'd been mated or moved to the Day Court or had gotten the news that Elain was pregnant. It was still the same and it always came to her when she least expected it.

"You know, I would think that without a Cauldron Blessed vision you'd be assured of our happiness..." she teased.

Lucien fixed her with a look. "Am I still getting six or not?"

Grinning, Elain pinched his side. "Is this the same male who nearly fainted when I first relayed he was likely going to have a brood with me?"

"Well, I've discovered in the years since then that I am actually quite eager for said brood." He ducked his head, positioning his mouth over hers as he set down his tea cup on the balcony railing. "And the frenzy that's accompanied this first pregnancy is quite the incentive as well."

Elain began to laugh, but he cut her off with a kiss. Fumbling, she set her tea cup on the stone railing as well, then threaded her fingers in his hair. She moaned against his lips and when they separated, she asked in a voice, husky with need: "We've got time for another round before we leave for Velaris, don't you think?"

Lucien's chest rumbled with a chuckle and in one fluid movement, he scooped her up in his arms. "We've got time for several, lady. I'll make sure of it."

"It's the least you can do, really," Elain said, looping her arms around his neck. "Especially if you want five more."

He nipped at her nose. "Oh, I intend to earn each one." Gently, he set her down on the large, cream duvet. "Not to worry."

Elain's stomach muscles clenched in anticipation and she spoke from her heart. "Never with you."

Lucien's eyes warmed as he joined her on the bed, then they dissolved into hungry touches and claiming kisses. Gasping out Lucien's name, Elain thought of how all of this, all of them, started with a song and a dance.


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