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*knock knock*

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*knock knock*

I opened the door, Scaramouche was standing there with a bag of takeout food. He was wearing his usual baggy clothing. I let him inside my apartment.

It was quiet so a second, we haven't talked other than when he said he wouldn't come over here. Ironic, he's here now though.


"I'm sorry for how I was acting today Y/n. I shouldn't of acted like that towards you, it's just been..overwhelming the past couple days." He set the food on the table, not turning around to look at me while he apologized.

"You don't have to be sorry you know that right? If I admit I was a little thrown off today but I'm not mad or upset with you. I know you've been working a lot." I walked over to him, his hands were resting on one of the chairs—I put my hand on top of his just to help show I wasn't upset with him. He looked down and then back up at me.

Catching me off guard he pulled me in for a hug. His arms wrapping around my back tightly, hesitating for a second I then wrapped mine around his back. Resting my head on his shoulder, I couldn't just push him away. Seeing him vulnerable felt like I needed to be careful with him, like he was fragile.

"Thank you, for not being upset with me."

"I couldn't be upset with you, even if I tried." We stayed like this for a few minutes, before he decided to let go.

"So...this is your place huh? It's, small"

"I told you so. It's small, but it's good for one person! What food did you bring?" He went over and opened the bag, taking the food out.

"I didn't know what you liked, so I just thought to get ramen. You can put whatever you want in there to how you like it, if that's alright?" I nodded, helping him take everything out.

"So, you wanna talk about what happened?" I said while swallowing down a few noodles.

"*sigh*...you know how I was telling you about my mother? Well she went to my manager threatening that she'll terminate my contract if she doesn't practically work me to death."

"You're mothers crazy! Terminating your contract just because you're manager isn't working you to death?"

"I know it makes no sense, she can't even terminate it though because she isn't a manager of mine or a worker of the company. But she loves to threaten people to get what she wants." I felt bad for him.

"I'm sorry she's like that Scaramouche. Is she like that when the both of you are home?"

"For a bit, and then we go our separate ways. She just came home today, so I'm glad you said yes to this haha."

"You could come here whenever you'd like! There's not much room here, but I can come up with something for you."

"I wouldn't want for you to have to figure that out, but I appreciate the offer Y/n."

"I'm serious Scaramouche. If you really don't want to be at home with your mother, you know my address." He looked at me startled almost, like he thought I was joking or something.

"Thank you Y/n. I'm sorry today didn't turn out as well as I wished it would for you. But I never got to hear from you, how did you enjoy the practice?"

"At least from my perspective I thought you did great! I didn't expect you to have so many backup dancers but they fit well with everything. The one dancer, Rosalyn I think? She's pretty nice, she told me a lot."

"Hm? Like what?"

"Mostly idol stuff, about how she's been one of your backup dancers since debut. How you've always so introverted. I guess you and her used to be close?"

"Ah..to her we were close. I wouldn't say we were."

"So why does she think you guys were?"

"We went to the same school, though I think I only talked to her twice. When I debuted she kept on trying to talk to me, but I never responded."

"Why did you never talk to her?"

"I didn't really want to, I didn't feel a need to."

"Well she's nice, maybe you should."

"I think I'd rather just stick to talking to you."

I think my heart just exploded. I looked at him dead in the eye, he wasn't smiling, laughing or anything. He was being serious. I could feel my cheeks start to heat up a bit.

"Haha..*cough* you should finish your food! It's already 9pm, I don't want to keep you here all night!"

"I have a later practice tomorrow, I don't have to sleep early. Unless this is just you trying to kick me out haha."

"No no!! I just didn't want you to stay out so late if you had a early practice! I don't mind if you stay...longer"

"If only your apartment complex allowed animals, I could've brought Jiah here with me."

"With how big she is I feel like she would take up my whole apartment"

*30 minutes later*

"So you and Childe were trainees together!?" We were still at the table, we both stopped eating now we were just talking.

"Sadly, yes we were. Funny that he got kicked out his group though."

"Do you know why?"

"Dating scandal. With his own member..and he openly admitted to it. When they aren't even together. His manager I guess got fed up with him and terminated his contract."

"He's not the brightest so I could see that coming, oh- uh..it's almost 10pm. I would love to talk more, but I have an early shift tomorrow." The kindest way of kicking someone out of your apartment, blaming your work.

"Oh shit, you should've told me I would've left way earlier."

"Well! I didn't...I didn't want you to leave. Having the company is nice." A smile started to form on his lips.

"You just wanted the company, or did you just want me to stay? Hm?"

"I guess you could say a little bit of both. But I didn't want to force you to stay, unless like magically a bad storm rolls over ha."

"If you like 'having the company' just call me yeah? Or message me." He started grabbing his jacket and belongings, standing up and heading towards the door.

"Yeah I will, get home safe Scaramouche."

"I'll see you soon Y/n." And with that he left. I could feel myself getting tired by the second. So I quickly cleaned up the dinner and plopped down onto my bed. Too tired to even change.


Guys new Scaramouche ff dropped 😨 it's one of my personal favs to write so far idk Abt you guys

Updates are gonna be like this for a while, idk I'm getting rlly busy and I have school tryouts next week 💔 )

Word count : 1170

  𝘾𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙥; Idol!Scaramouche Where stories live. Discover now