Chapter 6: blue eye of envy

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After getting back to the jail, for some time Weather has been trying to go out with you for missions.

He hasn't talked about after beating up the poor fella who catcalled you, which you are glad you didn't go ahead and deck the guy square in his face. Who could know what would have happened if you punch him? maybe you would have broken the man's nose and he goes out to report you to the cops and bam the jail learns that both you and Weather had broken out for a day of jail causing more troubles to come after the both of y'all.

"Hey Weather," You say putting down the milk box you were drinking before turning to look at Weather.

Both of you are currently in the Ghost Room.

"Oh, what is it Y/N?" Weather asked in his low voice as usual.

"Should we go off looking for Jolyne in the church still or should we go try somewhere else?" You asked placing your fingers onto your face almost if as you thinking.

"I don't know, but I will leave it up to you like always Y/N," Weather said smiling at you as he keeps on laying down on the piano.

"Alright," You say again thinking but stopping when you see someone else come into the room.

"Oh, Hey Anasui," You say a bit shyly because honestly, you find Anasui a bit sexier than Weather because of the way Anasui treats Jolyne like a gentleman but he also gives off bad boy vibes. Weather on the other hand is quite handsome but gives off gentlemanly vides and not any devilish bad boy vides, in ways you see Weather as a close friend.

Anasui looks at you but rolls his eyes turning to where the books was located.

"Oh Anasui I have a question, it's about where Jolyne is at?" You asked him now with a mindset back onto the track, cause it's true you need to talk to her and it's Anasui we are talking about so most likely he knows where she is at.

Anasui turned to you before replying "uh sure, I think she is located now in her ceil now"

"Thanks, a lot Anasui, you are the best- I mean you are a good friend haha," You say blushing turning away to an angled where the weather can see your face.

When your eyes go to Weather he looks upset so you asked him "Hey you're alright Weather?" with a hint of worry in your voice.

Weather looks at you but quickly turned his face into a smile one of which you can tell is a sour one before he said "Nothing is wrong Y/N, I just feel a bit upset with a train of thought"

"I see," You say but you hear a bit laughter coming from behind you.

You turn to see Anasui laughing a bit maybe to Weather's reaction but seeing Anasui causes you to blush even more you managed to say "W-what's so funny Anasui?"

Anasui stopping laughing said more like a joke to Weather "Sounds like you are in love Weather how odd"

"Oh fuck off Anasui," Weather says bitterly standing up and looking a bit upset at Anasui before he goes and leaves the room completely.

"Weather hey wait for a mintute-" You start to yell out but stopped when Anasui says to you.

"Let that bastard be since he can't take a joke well," Anasui says now sounding upset again with what just happened.

"Anasui...." you say before signing and walking up to Anasui before saying "Why would you joke like that to Weather when you know he seems like the type to get involved with someone that way?"

Anasui rolls his eyes at your statement before saying "Who knows, maybe he had found someone he like, but now I have half a brain to be petty to flirt with his crush just to spite him"

"Well good luck if you do find out who he has a crush on cause last I check Weather only hangs with our group more, heck I seen him a lot of these...." You trail off thinking to yourself 'What if..?'.

Anasui now with a peek of interest in what you were going to say "Go on Y/N keep saying what you were going to say"

'Damn Anasui and that cute smile of yours!' You think to yourself with slightly red cheeks before saying "Nothing mind it, anyways I am going to look for Joylne"

You turn to quickly leave the Ghost room standing in the hallway. You lean against a wall on the stairs with fully blush-filled cheeks, letting out a sign of relief.

"Anasui.... Flirting, with me, never, ha..." You say out loud feeling more at a bit of peace since you know Anasui will never like you like that, and also you would feel like shit if Anasui used you in order to get back to Weather if there was even a chance Weather liked you as well.

Pushing it out of your mind as you know Weather does like you, you started to walk down the stairs making your way to go see Joylne now.

Little do you know Weather was on the top of the stairs seeing you come out of the Ghost room your reactions.

Weather's POV

'What the Hell Y/N meant by Anasui flirting with her?!?' I think to myself clearly about to pop a blood vessel.

"Fuck, Why do I feel this way for her?" I say sitting down before thinking back to Anasui's statement about me having a crush on Y/N.

'sure she has such lovely eyes, her smile can just simply melt my heart into a warm mess, the way she makes such cute expressions and her voice is such a beautiful melody of an angel... Y/n is so beautiful..... so beautiful I find myself wanting to hold her and kiss her....' I think to myself but quickly it hits me.

"I want to kiss her, wait no she is out of my league," I say trying to think about something else.

"she needs to find someone..... no I can't think to see her with someone else, because I-" I started to say feeling a bit of emotion before now saying the truth "I love her so much that I need her in my life as mines"

after I say this I became even more upset with Anasui because one thing is clear 'Y/N likes him but Anasui likes Joylne so, for now, let's leave Anasui alone, untouched but if he does try to do something I will need to get rid of him.'


Author notes:

I am currently taking college classes so updates are coming slower than usual, I am sorry ahead of time.

The chapter name is a play on words with a statement that goes like 'The green eye of envy' but Weather doesn't have green eyes so I change the green part to blue to match Weather's eyes, I know it's the big brain I have lol.

Thank you for reading this chapter, have a wonderful day.

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