Chapter 11: The Baby

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*Warning this chapter may have certain themes of Violence in it*

Currently what is happening is Weather is trying to fight this odd-looking plant guy off.

"WEATHER FORECAST" Weather yells out currently using his stand to attack the guy yet the only thing that has happened is the sound of the bones breaking and the guy being pushed back.

You feel like something is off and yell out to Weather "Hey wait a minute"

Weather oddly stops and looks at you with an almost shocked facial expression.

"yes Y/N?" Weather asked you in an almost shy tone.

"something is off with him," you say looking at Weather and then at the poor guy.

"You think so?" Weather asked you now curious.

"To be honest the guy didn't use a stand to at least defend himself," you say now wondering why he didn't end up using any stand.

"you think it's possible that he doesn't have one?" Weather asked you.

"possible, but we need to go up there to make sure for sure," You say now with your stand Hermia out.

"could be walking into a Trap Y/N if you go alone..." Weather says to you which you giggled a bit at.

"Oh no Weather I ain't planning to go alone," you say walking up to Weather wrapping your arms around him, and pulling him in close with a devilish grin.

Weather's ears start to become red that you can't see, yet you can see the shocked look on his face before you say "You're coming with me oh my best pal Weather" before using your Stand to move you and Weather fully upstairs where the fight that F.F. and that monk guy had earlier.

Landing onto Weather's chest and lap where you don't seem to be bothered as you think with a leveled-headed mind about possible danger you start to look around, whereas Weather on the other hand is breathless to you being on him like his, especially in your actions a few moments ago.

"Y-you're quite bold aren't you Y/N?" Weather says with a bit of a shake-ness in his tone of voice almost as if he is going to moan.

"hmm you said something?" you asked not paying any attention to Weather as of now.

You are looking around the room quickly getting off of Weather to see the room has changed into a Mess being filled with bodies of what was once people are now filled with a garden of horrors.

"The fuck happened here?" you asked shocked never think that you would see such a scene but trying to not be scared.

But you feel a hand covering your hands and a pair of lips come close to your ears but are calm when you hear Weather's voice says "It is ok Y/N, just remembered your quite a bold person to come here in the first place, so please don't be scared you have me here"

Calming down you placed a hand over Weather's and said "I am fine now Weather, and that is thanks to you" smiling up at him who has a red face.

You think to yourself 'Weather is such a kind friend' before looking around the area.

Just then Joylne, Anasui, and F.F. are now upstairs with you and Weather.

"The Fuck is going on here," Joylne says looking around the room shocked as you are.

"Looks like someone skip out on the gardening club," F.F. says as they walk to a body.

"Hey, what happened to the guy with Dio's bone?" Joylne asked both me and Weather.

You looked over to a corner of the room and pointed at a now-dead man trying to crawl up to the roof, how did you know he was dead if he isn't moving, yet how you knew he was crawling on the wall, cause the nail mark scratches on the wall.

Joylne makes her way to the guy and sees no bone.

"Shit where is it?" Joylne asks almost sounding pissed.

Looking over near the sun area you see a pod-looking thing in the middle of the room.

"Hey you guys doesn't that seem odd," you say pointing to the pod.

Everyone turns to what you're pointing at and they see what you mean.

"what the fuck is that?" Jolyne says walking to it, but was quickly pushed back by Anasui which caused you to run over to see if Joylne is ok.

Turning her over you see that flowers are growing out of her.

"You have flowers growing out of you Joylne...?" you say more as a question as you don't know how she is.

Anasui comes close to you and Joylne and you jumped up in shock but the next thing is Anasui is slowly placing a flower growing on Joylne's face in his mouth pulling back gently.

"YOU PERVERT" F.F. yells at Anasui.

Slowly making your way to the pod you see something inside.

"Hey guys-" you started to say but you stop when you see that Weather is close to you again.

"Yes Y/N?" Anasui says that you get your mind back on track.

"oh yeah- I think their something inside of this pod," you say again looking back at the pod and pointing at it.

"Are you sure?" Weather asked you.

You go closer to the pod and you look inside to see it looks like a star mark on some "A baby" you said out loud.

Everyone looks at you shocked.

"Y/N what did you just say now?" asked Joylne.

"it's a baby inside of it..." you say looking at it.

"and are you sure it is one?" Anasui asked.

"yeah, it's a baby, with a star birthmark on its neck too kinda like Joylne's birthmark," you said confirming it was a baby.

"could it be that Dio's bone use the bodies here, and became that baby?" Asked F.F.

You reached out to touch it but were stopped by Weather.

"I don't think you should touch it Y/N," says Weather.

Pulling your hand away you again went and reach out and picked up the pod looking inside it looks like a womb with an actual baby inside.

"It's still forming so I think I will be fine," You say holding the pod that isn't heavy and taking it over to Joylne.

Joylne holding her hands out to take the pod from your hands.

"well I will be damn it is a baby," Joylne says looking at the pod.

Anasui looking around sees a man wearing blue and calls out to him.

"You there," Anasui said.

The man yelped out but looks at Anasui scared.

"Oh m-me?" the man asked.

"yes, you what are you doing?" Anasui asked.

The man goes into explaining something but you pay no mind to it looking over to Weather you asked "Say after this you wanna go off to eat with me Weather?"

Weather looks at you shocked before saying "Of course, I would Y/N"

"Then it's settled," you say again looking at Anasui who has his hands on the man's stomach.

"me next-" you say not knowing what happened just that you want to have Anasui's hands placed on your body.

"With what Exactly Y/N?" asked F.F.

"F.F. I normally am nice to you but please shut up with this and let's not talk about this again," you say automatically feeling shy.

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