Chapter 15: Deal?

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Slowly waking up, you are located in the back of an EMT car with some weird-looking, kinda as if he was set in a Greek warrior. His hands are bloody possibly he was a part of the fight earlier, almost as if his fingers are broken. You try to use your stand to escape, but for some reason, you are unable to manifest it, which causes you to become worried.

you feel the vehicle shake, and your attention goes to the clearly opened doors. Comes in quickly is the priest you ran into earlier. It looks like he is currently in a rush to do something, but there is something odd he is having go on with him right about now. 

"A stand....? Wait your a stand user?" You say loudly now seeing his stand that looks quite familiar as it's the stand you remember is called, Palesnake. 

"Ah, your awake now Y/N?" The priest says quite happy with himself. 

you gritted your teeth in response to anger, but he looked as if he didn't care, as it looked like he was trying to focus on something. You look in the direction to where he is looking at but you cannot see what is going on at your angle. 

"Why?" You asked the priest. 

"Oh, are you asking me that question?" The priest asked in return which pissed you off even more.

"No, I am clearly asking that to the man right here who looks like his fingers got smashed into a car door, who I never met before in my life." You reply in a bitchy sarcastic tone of voice. 

"Careful Y/N now, as it stands, you do not have the ability to use your stand as of now we speak." The priest says in a threatening tone of voice, but it equally sounds calm too. 

"So you did take my stand, guess when I was knocked out huh?" You say. 

"Indeed I did," The priest says with a cocky smile, one of which would be sexy if he wasn't a complete asshole you think about. 

"And I will ask again why I here, and why did you take my stand?" You asked in a firm tone of voice. 

"You're not in the position to ask any questions now Y/N," The priest says. 

"at least answer me that before you go off killing me, Father," You said in a cocky tone of voice. 

"Kill you, I am sorry to disappoint but I cannot kill you, after all, let's say I took quite a liking to you, but if you must know I bought you here more to make a deal with you." The priest says with a smile. 

"A deal?" You asked now confused.

"Yes a deal, one of which you work for me, against Jolyne and her friends, and I will give you back your stand on top of not killing you," The priest says looking down at you, as you lay onto the ground. 

You can't help but laugh at the priest, before saying "You think I would betray my friends to help take part in your twisted plan?" 

"I am trying to protect you, at least from Weather Report let's say." The priest says in a tone that sounds so worried, that it almost tricks you into believing he is telling the truth. 

"Look there is no way Weather out of all people would hurt me." You say in a pissed-off tone of voice defending him. 

"ah so I take it, you haven't noticed the way he looks at you, the way he follows your every movement in this jail, who you talk to, and who is close to you. Do you really think those guys from before tried to hit you up and left you alone after just one conversation? Of course not Weather had been let's say 'getting rid' of his and your relationship. Since one thing you do not know once he falls in love with a woman, he will make sure he is all she needs and that has been true to what he had done at least once before meeting you." The priest says lowering down to say at your eye level. 

With shock at this statement, you managed to say, "It sounds like you know him personally, but he never talked about you. which leaves one thing left, you took his memories didn't you now?" 

"I did take them, only out of pity for him. But seeing now how he is acting to you, It shows how useless it was to even take those memories in the first place, as it is clear I should have long killed him back then when I had the chance to do so." The priest says with an almost twisted smile. 

You swallow hard trying to make sense of what the Priest just explained to you, but as much as you want not to believe this evil bastard, there is something about the way he talked about Weather which makes you half-hearted believe that this can be a case of what Weather is doing. You had to wonder why every man you talked to was just gone after even a simple hi, as well as why some of your items more the personal ones had gone missing. 

The priest says causing you to get your mind back to the conversion then say "So what do you say Y/N, do we have a deal?" 

That's when suddenly a loud BOOM sound comes from the distance the priest tries to use his stand to stop it from hitting him, aka the user but instead, it goes past him. As it does go past him, you hear a gasping sound come out of the Greek boy's mouth, and you then look over at him. This is when it hits you, the guy was shot and now is bleeding out and dying. 

in absolute horror, you tried to look away, but when you moved your face you caught a glimpse of the priest's face. 'he doesn't seem like he cared....' you think to yourself, shocked at the fact the so-called priest is not trying to act like the holy man as he should be, to save this man.  

"YOU GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!" You hear come from the other side of the room, which causes you to perk up to the entryway of the opening of the EMT car. 

The reason why you are now hopeful is due to the fact that the one who just yelled out sounded just like "F.F!!!!!" 

"Wait Y/N are you also in there?" F.F. asked in a shock-sounding tone, but you can't see their face. 

with a scared-sounding tone of voice, you say "HELP ME F.F. PALESNAKE TOOK MY STAND AWAY SO I CAN'T DEFEND MYSELF RIGHT NOW!!!!" 

with a few seconds go by you hear F.F. say in a serious tone of voice, "Don't worry Y/N, I will help you out of there." 

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