The plan...

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Adalicia's POV~

I stood watching the so called ceremony which was organised for that bitch, Jessica.

I was internally a lot very happy and the reason I was watching behind the tree was because I would have laughed out loud and people would think me odd.

Especially my kookie and taetae. Which I can't risk for sure. After the ceremony I saw Taehyung and Jungkook talking with their 'best friend' I mean yeah they have good friendship. But sometimes I feel jealous.

Ughh... my obsession towards them is increasing day by day and I can't really wait to capture them in my cage.

As they were talking I saw that Jungkook was nervous and had dried tears on his face. He asked Taehyung something maybe to go to the washroom.

I waited for some time for him but he didn't came back.

Author's POV~

Adalicia followed Jungkook towards the washroom. She saw him sitting in the bench and crying.

Adalicia was about to go to Jungkook, but stopped when she saw Taehyung coming.

She hid behind the wall and listened to their conversation.

Once she heard their conversation and the reason for Jungkook's crying, her face turned dark.

Earlier she was happy as Jessica was dead, but after knowing that Jungkook had witnessed her and her brother Jin killing Jessica her happiness vanished in thin air.

She listened to the whole conversation and also learned that Jungkook and Taehyung already know about her obsession towards them.

She was very much angry on Jungkook. Earlier yesterday night she knew someone saw them. But she didn't expected it to be Jungkook.

Now Adalicia was thinking of a plan to solve this issue. Although Taehyung said to Jungkook to not say this to anyone, but still she cannot risk it.

She saw Taehyung and Jungkook going back to the ground. That is when Adalicia took her phone and someone.

To be specific her brother Jin.

Jin received her phone and said, " Hello Sis how may I help you?"

Adalicia said with a dark tone, " Hyung Taehyung and Jungkook have seen us"

Jin replied, " What do you mean by 'seen us'? Do you mean-"

Adalicia interrupted him and said, " Yes hyung, they saw us killing Jessica. You have to do something about it"

Jin replied with a dark tone, " Ok Sis don't worry I will handle everything, just be relaxed ok? And I am sending the driver to pick you pick you up alright?"

Adalicia smiled and said, " Ok hyung bye". And with this she hung up the call.

Adalicia darkly chuckled and said, " Now, now , Taetae and Kookie you will soon be in my cage, from where you will never be able to escape ever"

And with this Adalicia started laughing creepily and darkly which was enough to make anyone shiver.


At the ground with Taehyung and Jungkook~

Taehyung and Jungkook bid their byes to Jimin and went to their house.

After reaching the house Jungkook and Taehyung did their usual routine like studying, playing, etc.

And at night they slept as usual.


Meanwhile at Adalicia's house~

Adalicia was in her house. She was watching TV but her mind was somewhere else. She was continuously thinking about Taehyung and Jungkook.

And also thinking about how to capture them.

Although Jin, her brother, has assured her that he will think about that and told her to be relaxed.

She trusted her brother more than anything and she also knew that Jin would surely think about it.

She was very much excited about it and was smirking internally.


Meanwhile at Jin's working place~

Jin was a doctor. He goes to the hospital and after his working hours, he comes back to the house.

But there is another place where he goes and that is a secret place. It was a office like cabin which looked like a mad scientist's lab.

Jin sometimes even work with some chemicals and drugs. Drugs which are not addictive but has some other work depending on it.

Jin has a very much of a good knowledge about these things. Even he has made a lot of such chemicals and drugs. Chemicals which can effect the nervous system and other parts of the body.

Not only for these chemicals but also he goes to this lab for planning certain things as well.

Like today he came here to think of a plan to catch Taehyung and Jungkook into their cage.

He called his two most trusted men. Yoongi and Hoseok. They are the most trusted people of Jin and do everything whatever Jin tells them to.

Yoongi is a fighter and knows a lot of martial arts technique to knock off a person and other techniques, also he is a hacker .

Hoseok is a weapon expert. And knows about all weapons and their uses as well.

Yoongi and Hoseok were standing behind Jin. Jin was sitting on a chair and was writing something on a paper.

Yoongi called out, " Jin". Jin turned and smirked after seeing them.

Hoseok replied, " You called us? Tell us what we can do for you".

Jin smirked and said, " I just want a little bit of help from you."

Yoongi and Hoseok smirked too and said, " Tell what help you want. We are always at your service".

And then Jin told them what they have to do. Yoongi said, " Alright boss, the work will be done"

Jin smirked and said, " Thank you boys, I hope you will execute your task like you always do"

With this Jin started laughing creepily.

At Jin's mansion~

After completing his work Jin went back to his house or rather say mansion. Due to his immense wealth he was able to buy a big mansion for himself and Adalicia.

They even have their personal plane.

Jin called to his sister, " Adalicia, please come down for a bit, I have a good news for you"

Adalicia quickly went downstairs and said, " What happened hyung? What good news you have"

And then Jin told her about his plan. Adalicia started smirking as she was immensely happy with the news.

She said, " Wow hyung I am impressed by your plan. This was indeed a good news. Thank you so much, hyung"

And with this she hugged him. Jin was also happy seeing his sister happy. He then broke the hug and said.

" But Sis there is also a work for you to do". Adalicia frowned and said, " What work hyung? Tell me". And then Jin told her, what she had to do.

She smirked and said, " No problem hyung, I would do this work with pleasure"

And with this they both went upstairs and slept in their respective rooms.

Let's see what the future holds for Jungkook and Taehyung...


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'Cause no one is doing so 😭.

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