eight: ﹙RED﹚

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CHAPTER          EIGHT !

"contains; nothing-,"—no need to proceed with caution

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"contains; nothing-,"
—no need to proceed with caution

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A gun was in her hand; duct-taped. 

Darkness surrounded them, and she stood on the rooftop with a gun in her hand; it was truthful that Frank was trying to see the side of her she was pushing back. "357, one round in the chamber," Frank spoke, strolling in front of Matt; who had just woken up. "Some things, they just -" 

"Only way you stop me is with a headshot," Frank said, Matt moved his head to the side not hearing Y/n beside's head anymore. 

"You left the gun in my hand," Y/n questioned, her voice going high since she was more confused than anything. 

Frank had walked away from the two, going behind the door that lead into the apartment complex. Matt jolted his head a little; lowering his voice for Y/n. "Matt" She muttered to him, He hummed; "Tell me not to panic, please" 

"Don't do anything, until I give the warning" he demanded her, "Please, I love you" He finished knowing that would stop her. "You're not going to kill anyone," 

"Time to put a face to all your fancy talk about redemption" Frank walked back into the rooftop, before throwing someone to Y/n's feet causing her to stare down her eyes widened and glossy from tiredness. "Elliot Grote, a.k.a. Grotto." 

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