Breaking ice

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I was 2 weeks into school and I already have a close friend. I saw Stu sitting at a table with chase. It's weird how they are friends. I mean chase is a dick. I walk up to them. I was about to say hi before chase yelled. "Hi, tosspot's girlfriend." I heard some oo coming from the other boys in the group. I did not think about what came out of my mouth. "At least he can pull chicks," I say. Stu busted up laughing. Chase blushed. I stuck my tongue out. "Anyways., " I say , turning towards Stuart. I sat at the table. "Imma leave now see ya Regan," Chase said storming off the same with his boy possy. "Are you gonna go?" I asked. Stuart sat silent. "You okay?" I asked"Yeah, just." He said looking down. That's when I noticed his melodica was broken on the floor. "What happened? I asked as I picked up the pieces. "Chase uhh before you got here got mad because I told him to..." He looked at me and then blushed. "Never mind." He said. "I won't push it," I say. "Maybe you should come over to my place and we can buy you a new melodica., " I say , standing up and putting the broken pieces in the bin. "Regan I- '' I cut him off. "My treat, what are friends for right." I smiled. "I would love to call my mom and ask her."

Stuart's mom said yes as long as I met her. My aunt told my mom and mom was esthetic my dad not so much. The limbo pulled up. "Come on," I say grabbing Stuart's hand. We got in the car and Cletus greeted us. "Hello regan and uh." He said turning back at us. Stuart got a bit shy. "Stuart Cletus that's his name," I said. Cultus smiled. "Welcome aboard Mr. Stuart." He turned around and asked. "Where to Regan." I smiled at stu. "Where did you get your melodica?" I asked. "Uncle Norm's Organ Emporium," he said in my ear. "Uncle Norm's Organ Emporium please" And we were off. "So what ya think," I asked. "Uh, a bit flashy." He said. "Nothing like me dad's car it smells like cigarettes and there is carnival trash everywhere." I paused thinking for a second. "Wait does your dad work at a carnival!" I yelled. "Yeah, it's on break for a bit due to the storms of snow." I looked at him in awe. "I thought carnivals were a myth," I said. Stuart soon looked at me and laughed. "Man do your parents not let you live," Stuart said still laughing. "Well no, I'm not allowed to go anywhere," I said, tucking my knees to my chest. "Oh." Stuart frowned. "Tell you this when you get older we will dye your hair and run away! Think about it we can live life together, enjoy what we wanna enjoy no rules." He looked at me. "And No studios." HE said leaning back. "Sure ever you say pot." I nudged him doubting that will happen.

We got to the shop and Cletus said he would be back. I skipped walking into the store pulling out 413 pounds. "How did you get that?" He said. "I'm rich," I say in a joking tone. The owner of the shop came out caring about some orchestral things. "Heya Stuart, how are you doing?" the man asked, knowing Stuart. "Good night my friend brought me here for your reasons," said. Norm looked at me. I smiled and waved. "Hiyuh." Norm looked at me staring almost into my soul. "You got a good one there Stuart." He said pointing at me. Stuart's face turned red. "Norm she is not my girlfriend. God, why does everyone think that." Norm and Stuart bickered for a bit before I went off. There were some beautiful guitars and some drum sets. But something hit my eye. A beautiful violin, white with gold ancients. Stuart came up to me. "Eh, orchestral music isn't my thing." He said looking at the same thing. I did not talk, only thought. He looked at the price tag. 123 pounds. Stuart hissed. I snapped out of it. "Hey, Stuart, let's go pick out a melodica for ya," I said.

We walked over to the section. It took him a long time but I watched. He was very intense about things. He never played them but felt them seeing if they were too light or too heavy or if the keys were off-balanced. Stuart found one after a couple of hours. It was green and nothing more. 37 pounds was not too bad probably because no one bought them so they were on sale. We walked up to the counter and paid the norm. We walked out waiting for cletus. Stuart started playing 'take on me' I hummed along. "Damn you're pretty good with that thing," I said. He smiled. Cultus pulled up. We hopped in but before we did Stuart looked through the window at the violin. "Well, we gotta head to your place now," I said. "Yeah, mum would want to meet ya." He hopped in. "Where to now?" He asked. "Uh, {Insert a home location}" he said. "Got it." and we were driving once again. "Do you have a pin and paper?" He asked me to look at him. "Yep," I said, grabbing my school bag and giving it to him. "Thanks." He wrote down something but told me I can't see it. Just then cultus slammed on the brakes. "Hey, watch where you're going , kids!" cultus yelled. We looked out the window to see Chase and his gang flipping Cletus off. I sighed the same with Stuart. "Yeah, he lives in our neighborhood.

We pulled up to Stuart's house. It was nice, not too big but not too small. His lawn had some bottles and has not been mowed for a while and his garage was a mess but hey who am I to judge? We got out of the car Cletus told me to call him when he was done. We walked in and I was greeted by a dog. "Aww you're so cute," I said, grabbing the dog's face. The dog enjoyed it. "Yeah, that jones." He said. "He ain't that smart," I told jones. "You learned it from him huh," I said. He whined in response. "Hey!" Stuart said, punching me in the shoulder. "Stuart is that you hun." I heard a lady yell. "Yes, mum, I also brought Regan." He yelled as a chubby big breasted lady came out of the kitchen. "Hi, miss pot," I said, smiling and walking up to her. "Im regan.'' She hugged me and I hugged back. "Thank gosh Stuart has a good friend." Just then She spoke up. "I'll be working the night shift at the hospital. Dinner is on the stove and make sure your dad eats. He needs to take a break from his blueprint." Stuart sighed. "No problem mum." He said. She came up and kissed Stuart on the cheek. "Oh by the way i'm Rachel hun, no need to call me to miss pot." I smiled. "Bye, mum." "By Rachel!"

Stuart showed me his room. It was very messy but it was his personality. He pulled out his record player and showed me one of his favorite artists. It said clash. "One-day imma be in a band just like them," he said pointing to the cover. "I thought you said no more studios," I said. "For you." He said in response. He put the record in and the first song that played was 'should I stay or should I go.' We started dancing and having fun. About an hour passed and we did so much. "Wanna go out to the creek? It's frozen over so it might be a bit more fun," he said. "Sure!"

We went to the creek. The only thing I'm confused about was why Stuart had so much spray paint. We got to a wall. There was nothing, just a wall with graffiti. There were a couple of open spaces. "Wanna learn how to paint." He said. I thought for a bit. "Eh, why not? He handed me a yellow paint can. "Okay, so when you are closer the colors will be more strong. When you are far away they will be wider but not as strong." He said starting to spray paint. His face was focused, sticking his tongue out and all. I watched everything to make sure of things. I started to spray a smiley face but then I put the paint on too thick and then it started drizzling but I liked it. "Dang, not too bad for a newbie, you're pretty good with your hands." We heard a pair of footsteps. "Tusspot, we told you to stay off our turf. Chase said. "Chase, just leave us be." He said in frustration. And continued to paint. I did too. That was when two hands grabbed my hair and dragged me to a nearby creek side. "Hey!" Just then Stuart was held back by two other boys. "Well, tusspot maybe this will get your head in the right place. Chase tossed me onto the ice. Just then I heard some cracks before I was plunged in. I was put into shock. I could not move because of said shock, also it was deep for a creek side. I tried to get up but the current just swept me off my feet. I have seen some blood on the top of the ice. Stuart was light so it did not brake. Just then he punched it and dragged me up, tossing me to the side. I passed out.

I woke up inside Stuart's home. A fireplace was going and I had lots of blankets wrapped around me. "You good?" he asked. My hair was put up and his mom was there. "Hun, don't talk too much." She checked my pulse. She said it was slow and I should warm up. She said she already called my ride and my mom said I should spend the night there. I sat in the couch area. Stuart said he had to go out for a bit to get some work done. I was sad because I had no one there with me. It felt awkward.

"J-jones it j-ust you and me n-ow." I shivered. I heard the door open. I hoped it was stu but instead it was his dad. "Who in the hell are you," He said. He went to put his keys down when he read the note that was left by Rachel. "Ah you must be Regan little stu talks a lot about ya," he said sitting on the couch. "What happened?" My voice was horse but I still said. "C-chase threw me in the c-creek and Stuart punched the ice to save me." Mr. Pot paused. "Did not know that man had it in him to save someone." He said. "Heh me either." The clock ticked by. "Wanna watch a movie." He said. I nodded. We watched "stand by me." I and David sat there laughing. Rachel came through the door stunned at the scene David was not working and I was feeling better. She smiled. We then watched heathers. David hated it but Rachel and I loved it. An hour later at 9;30 Stuart came through the door. "Young sir you're late!" I ignored the convo before Stu came and sat with me laying his head in my lap. "You're lucky you know that," he said. "Why?" I said. "You'll see"

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