Chapter 8-Keefe/Sophie

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After Biana pulls Fitz out of the room, I see Foster fall to the ground, I hear her sobbing. I move towards her and hug her. My mind is spinning, angry with Fitz. How could he be so... such an idiot. He made Sophie cry.
"Sophie? Hey it's all going to be okay." I say this reassuring her while I wrap my arms around her and pick her up and move her to Biana's bed. She lies down still sobbing, but she's staring at me again, like she actually sees me, not just me, the boy who is sarcastic and funny, but the boy inside, the boy I hide. I look back at her, she has basically stopped crying, but she still looks sad. Luckily she looks determined to... I don't know what, she just looks determined. I give her a small smile, then Biana barges in and sits on her bed, braking our daze and she folds her arms and lets out a 'hmph' and she sighs.
"Are you two okay?" She says, looking at us and giving us a very sad smile.
"Yeah, we're okay." Sophie says this, sounding much better. Then she adds, "I better get going, Grady and Edaline must be getting worried, you can come if you want." It takes me a bit to realise she's talking to me too. I would love to come, but I know I can't, unless I want Grady and Sandor trying to kill me.
"I'm sorry, I can't go, I need to get something finished so..."
"Yeah sorry, I think I might talk to mum and dad about Fitz. Sorry again about him." Biana say this like she's responsible for her older brother.
"Biana, it's not you, and I'm sure it will all be okay." Sophie says this so sure of herself, I just have to nod. We all talk for a little bit, then we part, going our different ways.

. . .

I head home and find Edaline sitting on the couch, she's staring off into the distance, she looks like she just got in a wrestle with a T. Rex. I guess that actually happened though. Thanks to our permanent residence Verdi, I'm pretty sure we've all been in a Dino tackle.
"Edaline?" I say this softly, trying not to startle her too much. "What's happening? Are you okay?"
"Oh, Sophie," she says this startled, maybe she was half asleep, "I'm all good, I'm just tired, it was a long day, what about you, what happened? Don't say nothing, you look like you just got into a fight by stumbling, wait, you didn't, right?" I roll my eyes at this, seriously, I know I am clumsy, but could that really end in a fight?
"No, Edaline, that did not happen, but..." I didn't really want to tell her, but I find myself explaining everything. About what happened, my crush on Fitz, his first reaction and his second. I even told her about how Keefe helped me out. After listening so patiently until the end she added,
"Are you okay, truely?" I give her a small smile and sigh,
"I am, really, I just don't get why Fitz got so angry the second time, do you?" I look at her face and she says,
"Oh honey, it's because he thinks you said no to him because of Keefe."
"But why would he think that?" I say this and Edaline looks at me like I just said the world was about to turn around in its self. Then she added,
"You'll figure it out one day. I promise." I sink down in the couch and hug her. I don't know why but I start crying. I hold her close and she does the same with me. After a few minutes we pull apart and Edaline conjures us some pink gooey mash that tastes like baked beans on toast without the texture. Elvin food tastes amazing, even though it looks terrible. Then we talked for a little, I said goodnight as Grady walked in. I hugged both of them and went up to my room with Sandor, falling asleep almost instantly, not bothering to have a shower.

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