Chapter 15- Fitz/Sophie (those names do not go together)

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Hello peoples who are reading this (or at least I think your human...) this chapter will be set at the same time as the last chapter (chapter 14-Marella) so try not to be so confused. There will be more special POVs I just need to go back to my usual for now. Also is it just me or do most writers forget about the bodyguards. It's hard to keep them in there. Anyways here it is people;

I yawn and climb out of bed. Why'd it have to be me? I keep thinking about it. About her. I should have done what I did before, but it got too much. I should've just walked out and left them like that. I should be supporting, my best friends going to have a girlfriend, if not already does. I see the hope and love in his eyes when he's just talking about her. He started really liking her before I thought she was even a good friend. It wasn't for how I got or rather get angry whenever I see them together. It's not fair on either of them. I need to apologise. What should I do? Okay I'll hail Keefe and ask him to come over, then Sophie because I know if Keefe is here I can mention his name and then she'll come over too. Then I realise that there not the only ones I need to apologise.

I rush out of my room after getting changed into a random outfit I didn't even glance at. I stop when I reach Biana's room. I knock on the door and she answers quickly, then sees me and says,
"Oh," clearly sad it wasn't someone else, "it's just you, go away."her expression changes quickly from sad to angry and annoyed.
"Please." I say trying to sound sincere. "I need to apologise. Biana was closing the door then she stopped dead in her tracks.
"You want to apologise? For what?" She asks a cheeky grin an her face.
"Look, I'm sorry for what I did a bit ago. It wasn't fair on any of you. I need to apologise for being a huge jerk and just so you know, I'm ready to let Sophie go if she wants to and I do know she does. Especially now." Biana looks at me. She just looks for a while. Then says,
"What are you still doing here, go tell Sophie and Keefe."
"Okay, thanks sis."
I feel like they would say things like sis and bro. Maybe... nah. I'm not changing it though.

I hail Sophie and she answers after about a minute. I thought she was r going to answer until her beautiful face popped up on the screen.
"Hello?" She says so awkwardly. It's then and there that I have to apologise, I couldn't wait.
"I-Sophie I want to apologise. I am so sorry for being a jerk for all these years and yesterday. I am so sorry for yelling and sounding stupid. I am sorry for everything I have wronged you in, it was never your fault, it was always—" she cut me off there and says.
"It's okay Fitz, it's fine. I get it, your anger got the better of you. That's fine." Sophie says this smoothing me over, but I know she doesn't forgive me yet, she looks so uncertain.
"It's not fine. Do you want to come over to sort it out. I'm getting Keefe to come over too so I can apologise."
"I can tell him to come if you want and yes I'll come over."
"Yep, okay. See you when you come over. Bye." That actually went better then expected.

This POV also started happening at the same time as Fitzs.
I woke early in the morning after a night full of patchy sleep. I was so tired. I kept having small dreams all night that were repeating what happened with Keefe. Then there was also some dreams where we finish the kiss and others where Keefe rejected me. Some were amazing and some where nightmares. I got up, grabbed my imparter just in case and walked to Callas tree. My favourite place to wake up. It was also my favourite place to calm myself for sleep. Okay, Callas tree was just my favourite place in general. I sat down near the roots and said,
"Oh Calla, what am I meant to do?" Sometime after that I fell asleep.

. . .

"Foster? Foster can you here me?" I open my eyes to Keefe sitting next to me.
"Whatshappening?Whyareyouhere? Issomethingwrong?" I blurted this out all at once.
"No Foster it's okay, Edaline told me it's probably time to get you up since you'd be mad if someone didn't wake you until noon."
"Oh." Is all I could say. You can't blame me though. I just woke up and I found a really cute boy staring at me with those beautiful ice-blue eyes, my new favourite colour. Wait what I have I done, I really have fallen haven't I? 'Cute boy' and 'beautiful eyes' were the biggest give away. Oh and yes, my favourite colour changed to ice-blue, I just haven't told anyone get, probably because it's only been a few days and I don't want to be so obvious as last time, we'll the difference is this time I think it's more serious.
"So..." I drag out, not knowing what else to say. "How long have you been here?"
"Umm... we'll I came here a few hours ago and didn't see you, so I went inside to find you and Edaline told me you were here, so I came out here for a bit, but you were out. So eventually I started helping Edaline and Grady around the place. I think Grady's starting to like me around." He winks and smirks at this and my heart skips a few beats. "You emotions just changed Foster... they're very... interesting today." His smirk stays in and I blush.
"Didn't you say my emotions are always interesting?" I say hoping he'd drop it.
"Oh, I can assure you they are, but not as interesting as now." He wagged his eyebrows and my heart stopped skipping beats, instead it turned hummingbird mode. I think that was even worse though. My attempt failed to divert the conversation so I panicked and said,
"How come Ro hasn't interrupted?" Keefe opened his mouth to answer when Ro says,
"I don't know Blondie, maybe because I want you to kiss now, also go back to that topic. No subject change." I blush at her statement. She wants us to kiss? It's not like Keefe would ever do that, it doesn't matter that we're sitting really close with our knees touching and his face a foot away from mine. We've always been like this, always been really close.

Both literally and figuratively. Sorry that wasn't even good, please ignore me.

I don't k ow what to say after that, and it seems like Keefe doesn't either. Then he says,
"So, about those feelings..." oh no, he's still holding on to that...
"What about them Keefe?" I say, unfortunately for me my voice has gone all squeaky. Lucky for him it just makes him grin. It's going to be fun, for him.
"Okay one, if your trying to imitate Gigantor, then you've gotten good. Two, you seem nervous. Why are you nervous, please tell me Lady Foster the great." He makes me blush at this but I can't help but grin. He's so sweet. I don't know if I can not tell him, I lean in closer to him and say,
"Keefe, I have to tell you something. Something that could change a lot. For good or worse." I say this seriously and Keefe says,
"I do too, Sophie." His mentioning of my real name tells me that he's being dead-serious. He leans in closer and we are really close.
"Keefe, I realised that you—" I'm interrupted by a ringing of my imparter. What the worst timing ever. We spring apart and I swear I hear Keefe mumble a chain of very colourful words under his breath. I find my imparter and it's Fitz. Of course.
"Uh... maybe stay outta the screen for this one Keefe." My voice is still slightly squeaky but I answer it.
"Hello?" I say cautiously. We haven't spoken since the fight.
"I-Sophie I want to apologise. I am so sorry for being a jerk for all these years and yesterday. I am so sorry for yelling and sounding stupid. I am sorry for everything I have wronged you in, it was never your fault, it was always—" I didn't really know what to say. I haven't really forgiven him yet. Not really, even if he has apologised, I just need a little time so I cut him off  and I say,
"It's okay Fitz, it's fine. I get it, your anger got the better of you. That's fine." He obviously isn't convinced that I forgive him. He's right, but I will soon. I look up and see Keefe staring at me, but then I have to look back down, I don't want him knowing Keefes here yet.
"It's not fine. Do you want to come over to sort it out. I'm getting Keefe to come over too so I can apologise." I panic a little cause if he hails Keefe then he knows he's here so I say,
"I can tell him to come if you want and yes I'll come over." It was a pretty good thing to say.
"Yep, okay. See you when you come over. Bye."

Sorry if this chapters too long. Anyways, I was going to do like this long chapter but decided to split it. Next chap will come out soon. Please vote, comment and follow.

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