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Og posted 12/17/2022 on ao3!



G catching Ki my beloved Gon carrying Ki my beloved 😭😭😭😭🙏🤲🤧🥺

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It hurts too much to think of a plan...

He thought maybe without Bisky breathing down his neck...

She was going to get supplies for a while.


He still can't...

The sun is too hot... and... he feels dizzy and...

Killua blankly watches as Gon does pushups with one arm, sighing. He can't think like this...

Fresh air... or maybe a walk...

He jumps down, a wave of dizziness hitting him as the world tilts dangerously.



A pair of strong arms catch him before he can crumble to the ground.


He can't even joke about how much better his reflexes have gotten... staring dumbfounded as Gon lowers them to the ground until Killua can feel the harsh sand against his legs.

"Killua, are you okay?"

Gon hovers over him, concern heavy on his brow.

Killua's throat feels dry, and he shakes his head, trying to clear the black spots dancing across his vision.

"Y-yeah... I just felt a little... dizzy..."

He can feel Gon's piercing gaze as he puts a firm hand on his shoulder.

"...'m okay..."

Gon glares, but it's not at Killua as he stands up, tugging his tank top over his head.

"H-huh? G-Gon?"

Gon ignores him, walking over to his bag and grabbing two water bottles, drenching the fabric, pouring the whole thing out onto it, before squeezing harshly, ringing it out, and doing it once more, leaving more of the water soaked into the fabric.

By the time he gets back over, Killua is resting his head in his arms, and Gon gently touches his shoulder, and Killua looks up with glazed-over eyes.


Gon takes his tank top and places it against Killua's forehead, and Killua shudders.


Gon pauses, looking down at Killua's hands.

He changes his mind, wrapping it gently around the younger boy's head and tying a knot.

"You're probably dehydrated. We should rest somewhere."

"N-no, I'm fine..."

Killua shakes his head; it's fine! He already feels better. The cold cloth pressed against his head eases the pain... the pain... where even is the pain...?


He doesn't care how stubborn Gon is; he isn't going to win this fight!

"Gon, 'm fine."



He pants, pressing his hands to his face; the pain... it hurts.

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