Chapter 6

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"So how did you two meet?" Trixie asked Nova and Robbie. The whole town was crowded round them. "Oh it was so romantic wasn't it honey?" Robbie said leaning forward before Nova could say a word.
"A real Romeo and Juliet story!" He continued.
"More like Alpha and Omega.." she whispered to herself so that no one would hear. She's Kate and Robbie is Garth.
"She was the daughter of a rival family and we just couldn't stay apart! We got married but then we both had to run away or we would be punished. I'm so glad we finally found eachother again. Isn't that right cupcake?" He smiled sweetly.
Nova put on a fake smile and tried not to grimace when he hugged her side.
"So romantic.." Stephanie said dreamily.
"I really need to get going.." Nova said to Robbie.
"Ah yes we should go, we have a lot of catching up to do!" Robbie chuckled and the crowd awwed in response.
"Thank you so much for this party, I really appreciate it." Nova told the kids and they all smiled excitedly.
"It was Sportacus who put it all together! Where is he anyway?" Stephanie asked looking around.
"Probably off saving lives!" Nova said putting on a happy face and waving goodbye following Robbie out the door.

"That was exhausting." Robbie groaned as soon as he was out of ear shot of the town.
"You don't have to tell me twice." Nova scowled following close behind.
"Those people are so nosy!" He complained.
"It sounded like you enjoyed the attention from where I was standing!" nova argued.
"What! I detest the accusation!" Robbie moped.
"Romeo and Juliet? Really? I know you're the town villain but you don't have to be the town liar too!" She pointed.
"Look, we will talk about this when we get home!" Robbie said but Nova stopped in her tracks.
Her rosy dotted cheeks heated up in anger, "when we get home? There is no we!" She yelled.
"Quiet or the whole town will hear!" Robbie panicked. "We can't be living in two different houses what will the town think?" He said.
Nova balled her fists, "I don't care what the town thinks! Look all I need to do is stay married to you that doesn't mean I have to sleep with you too!" She seethed.
"Now I suggest you go home to your bed and I'll go home to mine." Nova said holding her head up high.
"Fine. Goodnight, Nova." Robbie said defeated.
"Goodnight." Nova replied back and walked home alone.
Robbie watched her walk away and sighed, sinking to the floor with his head in his hands. "I'm so stupid." He muttered to himself sulking.
Nova got to her doorstep and was surprised to see a gift wrapped neatly with a note. She looked around to see who left it there but there was no one in sight. She shrugged and picked it up, stepping inside and closing the door.
She collapsed on her sofa and opened the note.

'Thought you could use these next time you're jumping over buildings, now you can reach for the moon!

Nova smiled warmly and opened the box. It was a pair of knee pads with galaxy print on them and she chuckled warmly.

"I guess I could go for a run." She grinned mischievously. She put on her running gear and put on the pads, they fit perfectly. She jumped out of her window and landed on a wall running along it and flipped off and onto a bench, it was then she heard distant meowing and looked up to see a cat was stuck in a tree. "Oh no!" She gasped and looked around panicking, she saw a wall, a bus stop roof and a street lamp and nodded, she had a plan. She lept from the wall to the roof and propelled herself to the top of the tree using the street lamp and landed wobbly on a branch. She steadied herself and knelt down on the branch and in front of her was the cat.
"Hey kitty.." She spoke in a gentle voice reaching a hand to pet the cat but froze when she was met with another hand but it was not her hand.
She looked up and her eyes widened to see Sportacus on the other side of the branch. He looked just as surprised.
"Sportacus!" She blurred out.
"Nova!" Sportacus stammered. "Do you need to be saved to?" He asked genuinely confused.
Nova looked around astonished that she didn't hear him coming and laughed awkwardly, "Um I heard meowing and saw a cat in trouble so I came to rescue it." She replied.
Sportacus chuckled bashfully and picked up the cat who meowed happily.
"This little lady always gets herself stuck up this tree, I'm starting to think she does it on purpose just to see me." He joked stroking the cats chin.
Nova giggled at the purring cat and Sportacus looked at her pleased to see her laugh again.
"I'm glad to see you laugh, you have a very pretty smile." He said.
Nova tried to conceal her face but she couldnt help but smile wider at the comment, but the slight elevation in her mood depleted again when Robbie popped into her head. Sportacus noticed her change in mood and cleared his throat.
"So... You and Robbie, huh?" He said.
"Yea.." Nova shrugged.
"Was he always... You know.." Sportacus started but couldn't find the words and instead looked to imitate a dinosaur.
Nova snorted and shook her head at his antics, "Kind of... He was sweet, but devious i suppose. He was much like his father in that regard. He'd get into trouble a lot but he still had a heart, he still cared about some things." She recalled smiling softly.
"Mischevious but with a kind heart, that does sound like the Robbie i know." Sportacus smiled back.
"He was always so stand offish to the people who knew him, but to me he was this.. kind and thoughtful guy, don't get me wrong though he was also incredibly annoying." She chuckled placing a hand on Sportacus' arm, making his heart rate double.
Nova sighed nostalgically "You know, he used to call me princess. It drove me nuts!" she shook her head.
"We were best friends." She said, her smile faltering into a look of forlorn.
"Why the big frown?" Sportacus asked worried.
"I just wish me and him could go back to the old times.. Before we were forced to.." She stopped herself from speaking any longer.
"Forced to what?" Sportacus asked concerned. His heart began to burn with anger at the thought of Nova being forced to do anything.
"I've said too much.." Nova scowled at herself for being so stupid. She jumped out of the tree and onto the playground floor below. Sportacus jumped down as well, letting the cat go and running over to Nova and grabbing her arm.
"Nova please! Forced to what?" He asked desperately.
He stared into Nova's seafoam eyes, they were wet and twinkling from the tears that were streaming down her flawless flushed skin. She looked so effortlessly beautiful even when crying in Sportacus' eyes. His throat hitched in his throat at the sight of her upset.
She swallowed her cries and looked up at him heartbroken, "To marry..." she slipped out of his grasp and summersaulted onto the wall bordering the park.
"Please don't tell anyone.." She said with her back to him.
"I won't tell a soul, but-" Sportacus promised but he wished to know more.
"Oh," She said turning back and jumping off the wall, running over to Sportacus and slinking a hand onto his arm once more and planting a kiss as soft as a rose petal on Sport's cheek, she lingered for a moment and then walked backwards away from him,
"That's for the kneepads, I'll put them to good use, i promise." She winked sadly and then flipped over the wall and was gone in the night.
Sportacus held onto where her hand had been and squeezed it longingly,
"Who are you, Nova Sparks?" he whispered and went up his ladder to his blimp. He could hardly sleep, but once he did he dreamt of Nova until the sun arose on the horizon.

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