Chapter 13

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Nova danced slowly with Stingy who had on a frown the whole time.

"Are you having a good time?" She asked soothingly and he nodded.

"I'm having a grand time, thank you." He said.

"It was very brave of you to ask me to dance" She laughed softly.

"Well i had to make it up to you somehow, you did save my life after all." He said.

Nova chuckled and was touched by his sentiment, "Well I'd say we're even." She grinned.

"Good." He said.

Nova twirled him around and swayed to the music until it ended and stingy spun her around sending her spinning into someone else. She felt two stong hands grasp onto her and her eyes spun a little till they slowed and was met with Sportacus looking right at her.

"That was one cool move" He joked and Nova blushed, biting her lip.

Lee Byung Woo's song Epilogue began to play and Sportacus raised a brow in invitation to dance and Nova smiled approvingly and they began to sway. He brushed his hand along her waist and held onto her gently as they stepped back and swayed gently to the soothing music.

"You look beautiful, i think blue suits you." He grinned, just her face made him feel goey inside.

"And you look stunning" Nova said looking him up and down, he wore a lighter blue tweed three piece suit with his crystal as a brooch,

"Forever on the job i see," She commented and he shrugged spinning her around to the music,

"Justice never sleeps" He replied modestly looking down at his feet.

Nova's heart stirred seeing him so vulnerable and squeezed at his hand reasuringly.

"Ever thought about having a helping hand?" She asked and he looked at her dubiously,

"Like a number 2?" He asked.

"Like a partner." Nova snickered grinning.

Sportacus looked over at Robbie cautiously and they shared eye contact for a moment, Robbie looked angry, but above that, he looked heartbroken.

"What does Robbie think about this?" He asked in her ear as they held eachother closer on the dance floor.

"About him..." She hummed getting ready to confess her feelings.

"Oh, hold that thought, it's time we show our moves" Sportacus whispered as the music began to reach it's first peak.

Nova smiled and shook her head but she would never say no to a good waltz.

They spun to the music catching eachother every time and stepping in unison to the music. Nova laughed into Sportacus' chest and he laughed back just as enthralled, they spun one more time but this time, it was Robbie who caught her.

"Robbie! What are you doing?" She asked.

"There's something you need to know about Sportacus!" He frowned but danced with her as to not arise suspicion from the other guests.

"Robbie I've had enough of your games, i don't love you! I love-" Robbie cut her off,
"He's playing you, Nova! I've known him a lot longer than you have, this is what he does, he tugs at your heart and then breaks it without hesitation. He's a villain in disguise." He said.

Nova shook her head angrily, "No. I don't believe you!" She tremmured.

"Then believe this." He said spinning her around to see Sportacus kissing Venus in the middle of the dance floor. The music dropped, time felt like it slowed, all Nova could hear was the beating of her broken heart in her ears. Sportacus' eyes were wide and they widened even more when he saw Nova staring back at him. Venus drew back wiping her lipgloss that has smeared down her chin. "Nova!" Sportacus gasped.

Nova spun around and began to walk away, her ears already blurry from crying.

"I'm so sorry you had to find out this way, Nova" Robbie pouted reaching a hand to console her but she swatted him away continuing to leave the party.

"Your plan didn't work then." Venus smirked slinking her way next to Robbie.

"Shut up, Venus." He scowled, he balled his fists angrily but the aggression lasted only for a moment, he sighed sadly as the orchestra began to play a new song and the party continued.

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