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Chris started to pull things out and was deciding on what he should use and what he should not "hey actually why don't you go and sit on the couch, so you don't know what I put in your drink" Chris says as because he could hear Max standing behind him telling him not to put specific thing in the cup which started to become annoying "fine" Max says while backing away from Chris and walking into the living room "HEY WHEN CHRIS IS DONE DO YOU GUYS WANT TO WATCH A MOVIE OF MY CHOICE" Max yells from the living room since she is bored even though she has only been in there for literally two seconds "Ya make it a boring movie to see who will fall asleep" Matt suggested as a joke "ACUALLY THAT IS A SMART IDEA, WILL DO" Max yelled back at Matt while Matt had a surprised but also scared look on him face since he is kind of sleepy himself "ok Max I am done with your drink come look at it" Chris says while putting everything back into the fridge "ok it can't be that bad, you can't even fit that much into a shot glass" Max said while walking to the kitchen "oh trust me you can fit quite a bit into a shot glass" Chris says knowing that he put most of the fridge into the shot "ew what did you put in that" Max says after walking into the kitchen and seeing what color it is "a lot of things do you want me to name them all" Chris says while opening the fridge "um no I'm good" Max said while grabbing the drink "ok now drink it since you are not a wimp" Chris says while getting closer to Max to make sure she drinks it all "ok" Max says while downing the whole thing without making a reaction "WTF how did you just do that" Megan says while looking over Chris' shoulder "What?" Max says while looking at Megan confused "you literally just drank that, and you didn't even make a face" Megan said in a surprised tone of voice "it actually wasn't that bad" Max says while walking over to the sink and rinsing it out "so do you guys what to watch the movi-" Max was cut off by the fact she was now throwing up in the sink "OMG Max are you ok" Megan said running over to her to pull her hair back since it was all in the sink "ya I am fine it just came back up" Max says while grabbing some paper towels off the counter and wipeing her face off "ok now do you guys want to watch the boring movie that I picked out" Max says while walking throw the kitchen to the living room "ya if you promise not to throw up on us" Chris said sarcastically while following her to the living room "I promise wimp" Max said while flipping off Chris "ok what movie did you pick" Matt said while following the group to the living room "its a secret" Max says while pressing play "who ever falls asleep during the movie ummmm" Max says while trying to think of something that will make them want to stay up "oh i got it who ever falls asleep has to leave when they wake up and victoria if you fall asleep then you have to stay in you room until the rest leave ok" Max says pretty happy with the deal she has made "Max if you fall asleep i am going to laugh at you" Chris says will laughing a little "and when you fall asleep i am going to make sure that when i through you out because i am not going to wait for you to wake up that you hit the ground hard" Max says still mad at the fact that he made her throw up.

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