Chapter one

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I stared off into the distance, watching as the large plumes of smoke danced in the distance. They moved freely through the sky, beautifully almost. Somewhere in the city, there was a villain attack happening right now, but I didn't run to it like I normally would. It wasn't my place anymore to go running to each and every hero fight anymore, that right was reserved for those that actually had a future as a hero. I didn't need to run myself ragged gaping at every show of power just for one more piece of analysis. 

The wind ripped at my skin harshly from the roof of the city building, but my ears stung for another reason. In my mind as if on loop, were the words that All Might had spoken before disappearing down the stairs.

'It's good to have dreams, but they have to be realistic'

Realistic, huh?

I guess I always knew that, in the back of my mind. I was just avoiding reality. It was one of the few things that I'm good at. Still though... It hurt more than anything else in the world to know that not even the number one hero in Japan, the Symbol of Peace, could find it in himself to believe in me. To believe that something like me could ever be a hero. He's the Symbol of Peace, a beacon of hope for people all over the country, and he basically told me that my dreams of becoming a hero were hopeless. It's all I've ever wanted to be, it's all every kid born into the age of quirks has wanted to be. 

The only difference between me and the rest of the hero hopefuls though was that I was born wrong. I was born missing the one thing that everyone else had the luxury of being born with. And because of that, I got beat up at school daily for dreaming of something to grand for myself. And in the end, all the damage, all the bruises and scars, were just damage. They weren't stories I could show off, proving that I was strong and survived. Instead they were the story of a useless boy who couldn't even fight back.

Maybe Kacchan... maybe Bakugo was right. Even All Might said it, a hero needs a quirk. I can't even save myself without one. All I do is create more trouble for the real heroes, making them waste their time having to save a kid like me. Maybe it really would be better if I hadn't been born at all...

The sun had started to set as I stood there, painting the sky in a beautiful hue of colors. I'm not entirely sure how long I stood there, but by the time that Mom called my phone, the colors had already deepened, fading into a deep black. She was worried that I hadn't made it home yet, or called to tell her that I'd be out late like I normally would.

"Izuku, where are you?"

"Sorry, I got distracted watching a hero fight. I'll be home in a little bit." It wasn't really a lie. I did get distracted by a hero fight, I just wasn't watching it from the sidelines but was caught up in it instead.

By the time that I got home, it was already completely dark out. When I opened the door there was a clattering sound in the kitchen, like the falling of dishes into the sink. The sound of rushed footsteps could be heard, getting louder as they rushed into the room. A body crashed into mine, encasing me in their arms. An uncomfortable sensation took over my body, it felt like someone was choking me.

"Izuku," it screamed, tears seemingly straining the voice. "Your home safely!"


She pulled back, holding me at arms length, her eyes filled with worry as she looked me over like some kind of inspection. "You're not hurt are you?"

I got punched by All Might through a slime villain and was left alone on a rooftop with questionable thoughts, but I'm fine. God, I can't even go a day without giving her a reason to worry, can I?

"No, I'm fine," I lied.

I almost died but that's not important, it will only worry her more than she is now if I told her that. I didn't need to cause her anymore pain than I already have through just existing.

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