Chapter thirteen

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Hitoshi POV

The later afternoon sun beat down on my skin as I sat on the park bench, waiting for a certain green haired teen to make his appearance. Over the months that I've known Izuku, we've always met to hang out in the afternoon. The boy seems to sleep through the day most of the time and stay up through the night like some type of nocturnal animal. Not that I can really judge, with my insomnia my sleeping schedule isn't any better than his.

Little kids ran around screaming like banshees with their endless amount of energy as I sipped my nth cup of coffee of the day, quietly enjoying the summer breeze. UA entrance exams are in less than four months from now, something that I'm less prepared for than I thought I'd be. The academic portion of the test will be hard, sure, but I'm more confident about it than I am about the practical portion of the exam.

I have less muscle mass than Izu does, which is kinda pathetic when you think about the fact that he doesn't really do anything, not even leaving the house for school.

A hand waved in front of my face suddenly, shaking me from my thoughts as panic overtook me for a moment to two. A flash of green in my peripheral vision told me just who the offending party was.

"Bastard," I cursed as the smaller teen sat down on the bench next to me, stealing the coffee from my hands and drinking what was left.

Izuku always does that to get my attention, waving a hand in front of my face but never touching me, he's done it since the day we met. The only times that he ever touches me is when I knew it was coming and had the chance to stop it if I didn't want him to.

"I called out your name, but you were too lost in your thoughts to hear me," the other teen explained in a more monotone voice than my own, defending himself as he put down the now empty coffee cup.

"Entrance exam," I told him in lieu of a proper explanation. We've had similar conversations to this in the past so he understood what I meant without me having to go into too much detail.

I could hear Izuku sighing tiredly at my side as he slumped down on the bench seat. "You'll do fine, Hito," he reassured me. It was the kind of thing that someone would normally follow up with some type of sweet or warm smile, but in all of the time that I've known the other, that seems to be one of the few things that he can't do.

"Says you, you don't even have to take an entrance exam," I shot back. Izuku is staying with his online school, something that he's already gotten into and just has to pick new classes for when the next school year starts.

The small green haired teen only shrugs.

"I can't even fight, Izu," I whined, knowing that my problems are my own fault.

I should've taken a martials arts class or done some type of sport. I should've-

Fingers snapped in front of my face, pulling me out of the destructive path of thoughts that I was going down.

"Snap out of it, Hito," a cold voice commanded me, though contrary to the tone, a warm feeling spread through my chest at the sound of the other's icy tone.

Izuku is someone that cares, someone that cares too much. He cares to the point that he shuts himself off to not get hurt anymore because of his caring.

"No matter how you do on the practical, you'll pass the written test," the other boy said, staring up at the sky instead of looking at me as he spoke. "You'll get in. And if you don't get into the hero course on the first try you can always transfer in later. I think UA uses their sports festival to see just who they really want in the hero course."

A second chance...

Sighing quietly as the other boy had done before, I stood up from my seat, catching the greenette by surprise at the sudden movement. "I still need to get stronger," I insisted in a voice just above my own normal monotone.

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