Chapter twenty-two

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Shinso POV

Honestly if Izu handnt had told me that the principal for this school was a chimera that apparently, in his words, 'leaned closer to the rat aspect than the other animals associated with him' I would have guessed it on my own in time just from the layout of this damn school. The place is huge enough that one could easily get lost on their own merit without the addition of most likely intentionally confusing turns and vague directions. I felt like I was in the pre quirk era book that Izuku had me read, Alice in Wonderland, except the wonder was how anyone got to class on time.

When I finally found the door to class 1-A, I was almost out of breath from running through the halls. Too busy feeling miffed with myself for not coming to school thirty minutes like the green haired devil had recommended, I almost walked right past the door, though I'm not sure if the word door is really all that appropriate. Gateway that just so happens to have a door knob and opens outwards might be a better classification.

Guess it has to be accessible to everyone.

Opening the door, I peeked inside before stepping fully into the room and immediately wondered if I could transfer to class 1-B instead.

The blond bastard that seemed to have had enough of an effect on Izuku to break through his thick layers of apathy and spark real anger in the smaller teen was sitting at one of the desk, his feet propped up onto the desk itself while another boy that I vaguely remembered being really annoying during the exam, lectured him.

"A stuck-up elitist then?" The explosive blond asked, a cruel look on his face that I wasn't really sure if it could even be called a smile. "I should just blow you to bits."

The other boy looked appalled by the suggestion as he rolled backwards, subconsciously aiming to put distance between him and the angry blond.

Wise choice.

"You're awful," the boy remarked, his voice just as stricken as his face looked. "Do you really wish to become a hero?"

Fair question, his behavior says no, but maybe that's just me.

Sliding into the room, hoping to remain unnoticed for as long as possible, I could feel the moment that the blond's eyes settled on me like a noticeable weight.

"Hey purple freak!" The boy called out, earning him a new slew of ignored reprimands from the blue haired teen with glasses, Iida maybe. "You're that loser that fired with Deku. How the hell did you get in here?"

I felt something cold and calculating well up inside of me and thought for a minute that maybe I've been spending too much time with Izuku. "The same way that an asshole like you that calls others worthless does," I answered, not slowing down on my way to my desk, which happened to have been two behind the blond shit face, leaving an empty space between the pair of us for each other's own safety. "I passed the test."

The bell rang as I sat down and a yellow, almost caterpillar-like shape rolled into the classroom, though no one else seemed to have noticed them yet. The only reason that I knew that the yellow was actually a sleeping bag and not a quirk was the sheen to the bag and the zipper going down the middle.

I've definitely been spending too much time with Izu.

"It took you eight seconds to quiet down," the sleeping bag said as it slowly unzipped and a tall figure dressed in all dark clothing. "Time is a precious commodity and you lot seem hell bent on wasting it."

I looked at the bags under the man's eyes and thought that Izu and I might have a new competitor in our little game of who gets the least amount of sleep.

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