Chapter thirty-four

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Aizawa POV

The kid was safe.

Relief rushed through me as Icarus was rescued from the villains and taken to Recovery Girl. The child was a little worse for wear, bruises littering the kid's skin as if he'd been fighting for days now, but he was alive.

The nurse had wanted to keep the kid while he slept off Midnight's quirk, but that would have meant having Bakugou and Icarus waking up in the same room at about the same time as one another. Some type of fight would have been inevitable if that were to have happened.

Neither boy seemed to like one another much, Icarus being jumpy around the blond when he wasn't busy glaring at the teen. While Bakugou often had to clinch his fist as if to control himself when the other boy was around. I didn't like the dynamic at all and I knew that it was only limited to the pair of them as Icarus was close with Shinso and seemed to tolerate everyone else. It was only Bakugou, just like for the blond it was only Icarus.

Keeping them apart as much as possible seemed the most logical thing to do.

So that's how the green haired teen ended up waking up on the couch in the teacher's Lou get and I ended up in the situation that this whole mess had put me in.

The teen woke up with a start, his breathing immediately going iraditic as the boy looked around the room as if he was searching for someone or something. Almost as if he was expecting an attack. It was the most emotion that I'd seen on the boy, but it was quickly masked once he saw me. I wanted to say that he relaxed, but his eyes still looked frantic even as everything else about him seemed calm. It was making me regret what was soon to come next.

But the kid had to be told.

"Icarus," I said softly, pulling the boy's attention fully to me.

"Eraserhead," he greeted, if a bit weakly.

"Do you remember what happened?"

The boy nodded slightly, shifting to a more proper position as he studied me.there was something off in his movements, in his gaze. But I suppose it would be strange if something hadn't shifted after being kidnapped as he was.

"Now might not be the best time," I started, pushing myself to my feet as the teen tracked my every movement with dangerous eyes, "but I'm going to need you to keep your composure."

"Why?" The teen asked, twisting on the couch to watch me as I walked across the room to the door.

"Because Nezu had thought it vital that we do this before they are allowed to meet the rest of the students," I answered, slipping around any true answers.

"They?" The hero student asked. His voice sounded as if he already knew the answer but didn't truly believe it himself.

I didn't answer and only opened the door before returning to my chair. No sooner had I sat down did the guests of honor walked through the door.

The three youngest villains of the League.


Izuku POV

Grumbling could be heard as three bodies moved into the room, each of them obviously hesitant to do so.

That's what happens when you have no idea what you are walking into.

My thoughts were bitter, but I thought that they were justified.

It wasn't until I actually saw the trio that the worry tying me down melted away and a grin split my face.

I stood up quickly and rushed across the room, ignoring the way that my name was called by the hero who was now privy to the scene that was unfolding before him.

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