Valentine's Day

249 3 45

Third-person Oboro
Headcanons: Trans Oboro, Oboro has Leg Muscle Deformations, Hard of Hearing Hizashi
AUs: Teenagers
TW: None
Words: 5524

     The blue haired boy woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside his window, which was left slightly open, probably from his father.
     His father liked having the windows open while his mother only opened windows because she claimed the boy's room stunk of sweat.
     The boy laid in bed for a moment, before looking at his clock. It read 11:23.
     He sat up, just as he did so he got a text. He reached over into his night stand and grabbed his phone. He turned it on just as another text appeared.
     He looked at the chat that had been ringing. It was his group chat with his two boyfriends. Hizashi and Shouta. They were texting each other, seemingly trying to also get Oboro to join in the conversation.

The Loud One: do you guys want to meet up
Catboy: Sure.
The Loud One: do you want to meet at the park
Catboy: Sure.
The Loud One: Obo wanna come too

     Oboro read the texts. Shouta (Catboy) never responded that well over texts, he was the one that you would send a whole paragraph to and he would reply with "K", unless you got him angry.
     Hizashi (The Loud One), on the other hand, loved to speak with them in their chat. Oftentimes having Shouta complain that his phone was going off all night because of Hizashi and Oboro texting each other in the group chat and not a private chat.
Oboro quickly replied to the texts as he saw them.

Cloud go brrr: hell yeah!! what time?
The Loud One: how about we meet up at 12
Catboy: K
Catboy: What'll we do?
Cloud go brrr: hang out, duh
The Loud One: cute date!!
Catboy: bruh, a date, cliché
The Loud One: did u even used that word right
Catboy: fuck if I know
Catboy: so what
Cloud go brrr: this is why you're a catboy
Catboy: FUCK UOY
The Loud One: you are, you are a catboy
Cloud go brrr: Shou, you are a catboy, quit denying the truth
Catboy: I hate you guys
The Loud One: u love us (^ω^)
Catboy: >:(
Cloud go brrr: anyway, I'll meet you guys at the park at 12
Cloud go brrr: see you there
The Loud One: cya
Catboy: I'll break your knees

Oboro laughed as he put his phone up. Hizashi and Oboro loved to tease Shouta about being a catboy due to his love for cats.
Oboro got up, he grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom. He quickly took a shower and got dressed. He put his binder on, it was a little tighter as his father bought it a size too small but Oboro didn't want to seem unappreciative, so he still wore it. After all, his father bought it for him and it was better than not being flat.
It was a tank binder so he used it as a shirt that day; although, he put a blue sweater over it as it was still cold outside. He got black pants and went to chill for a little bit before going to meet up with his boyfriends.
Wait, today is Valentine's Day. He forgot to get his boyfriends gifts.
He jumped up. He quickly grabbed his phone and his wallet, which had some money in it, and he ran downstairs.
"Woah, slow down there bud!" His father called out to him.
"Sorry dad!" Oboro yelled back. "I forgot to get Shou and Zashi stuff so I need to get something for them!" He called back.
"Don't you want to-" Oboro hugged his father.
"Bye dad! I'll be back later!" Oboro quickly slid his shoes on and ran outside before his father could ask if he ate first.

Oboro got a little way down the road before he felt himself start to collapse. He managed to use his quirk, cloud, to catch himself before he fell.
He had deformations in his legs which made it hard for him to stand, walk, or run for long periods of time.
He pulled himself onto his cloud and continued his way to the store.

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