Why Didn't I Save Him?

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Inspired by the picture above (I might do a few with that picture as it gives me ideas)
Third-Person Oboro (one paragraph of Kayama at the end)
HCs: none
AUs: Shouta died instead of Oboro
TWs: Death, Getting Crushed, Describing a Crushed Body, Suicide, Stay Safe!!!
Words: 1237

It was a normal day... at least it started as one. Oboro was at his hero work studies with Shouta and Kayama.
     Shouta was one of his best friends. Kayama was too, but she was like a sister to him. He had another friend too, Hizashi, but his work study was with a different agency.
     They didn't expect the day to be too hard, after all, Shouta and Oboro were just on patrol.
     They saw a group of kindergarten aged children so they were helping them cross the street and walk to school, at least to until they had to separate. The teacher was grateful for the help.
     Shouta had been feeling upset as of late, their classmates were telling him he wasn't deserving of being in the hero course because of his quirk.
     Oboro once heard someone say that Shouta was better off dead.
     Shouta acted like it never happened and it didn't bother him, but Oboro and Hizashi knew all the cruel words said to him made him upset, destroying his fragile self esteem.

     Shouta got a call from Kayama, start evacuating, she said. A villain she said it was.
     Oboro watched as their boss got knocked out, and as the people around him started freaking out.
     Keep calm, he told himself, he knows what to do.
     "Shouta!" He called out.
     "Yeah!" He hears the younger reply.
     "Protect the kids and get them out of here!" He instructed. He looked over, Shouta was already on it, trying to keep the kids safe, trying to protect them.
     He looked back to the villain, trying to come up with what to do.
     Then he heard a cry, a yelp maybe.
     He glanced over to Shouta just in time to see him get crushed by a building.
     "Shouta!" He cried out. He heard the villain move closer to him so his attention changed.
     "Shouta!" He called out again, still facing the villain. "Are you okay? Please respond! I'm scared!"
     "You got it, Oboro!" He heard Shouta yell. "You can do it!"

     Oboro doesn't know what happened. All he knows is he's on the floor, but so is the villain.
     He defeated the villain.
     "I did it!" He yelled. "Shouta, I did it!" He had been hearing his friend cheer him on the whole time but now he was no longer hearing the boy.
     The silence was unnerving.
     "Oboro?" He lifted his head up to see Hizashi.
     "Hizashi! I did it!" He cheered.
     "Are you okay?" Hizashi asked.
     "Oh, yeah! I'm fine!" Oboro called back.
     "Where's Shouta?"
     Oboro fully sat up now. Other heroes and police were arresting the villain.
     "He might still be under the rubble... but I heard him speaking to me. He's okay," Oboro explained.
     "Over here-" Oboro, despite being in a lot of pain and bleeding, ran over to where he last saw Shouta. Kayama was there, staring at the ground. She looked horrified.
     "Kayama, is he okay?" She turn to the boys. She was desperately trying to prevent them from seeing Shouta.
     "H-he's really badly hurt," She explained, seeming to be holding back tears.
     "What do you mean?" Oboro asked, pushing past Kayama and seeing Shouta.
     His heart dropped.

     Shouta's legs were bent in ways they shouldn't have been, bones sticking out of both of them. Rocks digging into his legs, they were bleeding a lot.
     His arms were the same. His right forearm was shot straight through his skin, and his left arm looked completely broken.
     His torso... you could visibly see his ribs having been crushed. You could already tell that his lungs were more than likely pierced. It didn't help that you couldn't see his chest rising and falling, meaning he wasn't breathing.
     A sharp pipe was stabbed through the right side of his stomach. Blood seeping out of the wound.

     The worse place to look at was his head.
     His hair, his raven black hair, was turning a dull red color due to his blood.
     His teeth had broke through parts of his lips. Holding his mouth in a semi open, semi shut way.
     Blood, so much blood, was dripping down his chin.
     His forehead was completely smashed in. His brain was visible and blood was pouring out of him.
     The worst to look at were his eyes.
     His beautiful black eyes.
     The eyes once full of a sorrowful life now laid empty.
     They were dull, starring, and foggy.
     They were bloodshot.
     They were half open, at first glance it would have seemed like he was awake, but he wasn't awake nor asleep.
     His black eyes seemed to have turned a light grey, starring at something completely visible yet unseen.
     Oboro felt like they were starring straight at him.
     'Why didn't you save me?' He felt like they were asking. 'Why didn't you think to help me? Why didn't you care to help me? Why didn't you check up on me?'
     'Why didn't you care about me?'

They took Shouta's body away, but Oboro couldn't get the image of him out of his head.
Why hadn't he helped him?
Why didn't he save him?
Shouta was pronounced dead on the scene. There was no bringing him back.
     The took him to the morgue, they were going to cremate him.
His eyes.
All Oboro could see were his eyes.
     His eyes, lifeless.
     He could have saved him.
     He should have saved him.
     Why didn't he save him?

     Now, Hizashi and Oboro didn't know what to do without him.
     They took him for granted.
     They should have appreciated their time with him.
     They should have cherished him more.

     It was lunch, no one would be outside, in the halls, or in the classrooms.
     They were on the roof.
     Oboro looked around, he could basically see and hear their memories. He could basically see and hear Shouta.
     "Oboro..." Hizashi squeezed Oboro's hand. "Are you ready?"
     Oboro slid his shoes off, Hizashi did the same.
     They stepped onto the small wall-like fence, looking down from the roof of their school.
     They held each other's hand.
     "We'll see you again, Shouta..." Oboro looked to the sky.
     As if they knew when, they both, while still holding each other's hands, they jumped at the same time.
     As they fell to their inevitable deaths, they held each other close.
     After all, the trio would be together again.

     Kayama didn't know what the commotion was for, but everyone seemed to be horrified and freaked out.
     She pushed herself to the front of the crowd.
     She didn't expect to see the last two of the boys she considered her brothers on the floor.
     Their bodies were broken, but they were still holding each other.
     They had smiles on their faces.
     Despite the horror and sadness she felt, feeling like she didn't help them when they were suffering, she knew they wanted this.
     She knew they were happy now.
     After all, they were with Aizawa again.
     That's all they spoke to her about since his death.
     She wasn't going to follow them, she had much to live for.
     She was just happy that they were together again.

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