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"What do you want?"asked Sooyeon in the car.Yes,Luhan got tenth place in the whole school.Who can believe that?Even Sooyeon was amazed.She didn't expect Luhan to get tenth place,so she just checked the 20th to 50th place.

"Let me think..."said Luhan and smirked.

"I can't believe Gege got tenth place."whispered Tao at the back."I was surprised too.Who knows he has knowledge inside him."replied Kris."Luhan has a smart wife after all,his grades improved a lot."said Yi Xing.

Luhan cleared his throat to signal the three men to be quiet.

"A date."said Luhan.Sooyeon widen her eyes as soon as she heard what Luhan just said.

"Give me a tour around Seoul,the main attractions of Seoul please."added Luhan.

Sooyeon didn't know why.But she felt excited and happy all at once.She tried to remain calm and replied,"Sure.".But inside her mind,she is dancing her victory dance.

"Hey,it isn't everyday that you get asked out by a handsome guy like me,what's with the reaction?"said Luhan."Pfft!"Tao blurted a laugh behind them.The three felt second-hand embarrassment when Luhan was being conceitful.

Luhan cleared his throat again.

"I am happy?"replied Sooyeon,that came out more like a question.


Sooyeon wore her light blue dress and grabbed her sliding bag.Luhan was already dressed and was waiting downstairs.Sooyeon don't have any makeup,so she walked down stairs without makeup.

"Yeobo,they are going on a date together!"Luhan's mother squealed silently.Mr Lu and Mrs Lu were hiding in the kitchen,secretly peeking at their son,well techniacally Mrs Lu was the only one peeking at them.

"I'm done.Kaja!"said Sooyeon.

"Normally girls will dress up and put on some makeup when they go out with guys."said Luhan.

"I tried my best."said Sooyeon.

"And normally,girls--"Luhan was ceased by Sooyeon."If you want to complain,then I will stay home."snapped Sooyeon.

"Fine,fine.Get on."said Luhan opening the car door for Sooyeon.Sooyeon got in and noticed someone sitting behind.

"What are you three doing in here?"asked Sooyeon."Going on a date."replied Kris.Luhan got into the car and noticed the three too.

"Yah!Get out."said Luhan."We didn't get to visit Seoul too."said Tao.

"Can we just follow you guys?We won't interrupt."said Yi Xing.

"Maybe next time...this is a date."said Luhan.

"Out.Now."added Luhan.The three of them stepped out of the car,and Luhan drove away once Yi Xing closed the door.


They turned around and saw Junmyeong and Minseok,waving at them.

"Wanna get a free tour of Seoul from us?"asked Junmyeong.The three nodded.

"Get in."


"Poor them."said Sooyeon as they drove away leaving the three.

"I have already called Junmyeong Hyung to pick them up,so don't worry."said Luhan.


"While waiting for you to try your best to dress up for the date."replied Luhan.

"How did you know that the three were going to follow us?"

"They were my friends since Highschool.Whenever I go out with other girls,they always insist to follow."said Luhan without thinking.He immediately cover his mouth.

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