Blonde hair

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I yawn as I look at the time.

"Fuck I need sleep man."

This is my third late night in a row, I usually sleep super early, I dont know what's been keeping me up recently.

It feels like something is just taunting me and sitting at the back of my mind, it's weird.

I don't know I'm probably thinking into it too much.

I shut my phone off and pull my covers over my shoulders making me realize how cold I am.

"Finally sleep, I love sleep, It's so peaceful"

My eyes start to slowly shut and I'm engulfed into a peaceful bliss of silence and darkness.





I jolted up immediately, covered in sweat and with an earache.

"Ugh, school"

"DUDE, CRAIG I'VE BEEN CALLING YOU FOR LIKE 30 MINUTES NOW!" Tricia screeched into my ear

"That's probably what gave me my earache." I muttered under my breath.

Tricia gave me a dirty look and turned to walk into the hallway.

"School starts in like 20 minutes and you're my ride." Tricia shouted as she walked downstairs.

I quickly threw on my blue jumper and black pajama bottoms.

I prefer simple clothing honestly, people wear too much these days.

Of course I can't forget my blue chullo hat, I've had it for years, It's practically one of my limbs at this point.

"CRAIG, OH MY GOD, HOW MUCH LONGER ARE YOU TAKING!" I could hear Tricia stomping her feet from here. God does she have to be so loud, always stomping and screaming, always has to get her way.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming dude" I say as I walk downstairs, past all the family photos.

I grab my moms car keys off the counter and lock the door as I walk out.

Even though I don't exactly have a license, I have to drive my sister and I to school everyday.

It's surprising that I haven't been pulled over yet. The only reason I have to drive us is because my mom and dad are co-workers, they both work at the towns bank. They have to get there early because their managers or something, I don't know.

All I know is they have pretty important positions and they like to get there early, so they take dads car and leave me and Trish with moms car.

Which is a ridiculous looking car as well.

It's small and claustrophobic.

And It's pea green.

I hate it.

But there's not much I can do, It's not my car and theres no way I'll get my own car soon, my parents both believe food and taxes are more important than a car, which they are yes but I look dumb in this stupid car.

Anyway that entire ramble in my head was long enough that I've arrived at school, the way to school isn't long at all, maybe if your walking it'd be pretty long but when in car it's a fast journey.

"See you after school Trish" I say to Trisha after kicking her out the car to her school.

My school and her school are practically next to each other, which makes this car drive even easier, instead of having to constantly drive from one place to another.

After trying to find a discreet place to hide this stupid car from people, I walk into school.

"Yo Craig my man!"

I turn around and see my long time best friend, Clyde Donovan.

I've been friends with him for what feels like forever, he's been annoying for what feels like forever.

I don't remember a time where he hasn't said something dumb and I haven't had to hold my head in my hands and take a deep breath, he's still my best friend though, no matter how annoying, he has always been here for me.

"Hey Clyde" I say, hoping the next thing that comes out of his mouth isn't the dumbest thing ever.

"Have you seen Bebe today? God man she's so sexy, I hear shes having a sweet 16th birthday party soon, we should go." Clyde said as he nudged my shoulder so that I would look at Bebe giggling with her friends.

I did look at her but I didn't exactly want to, I could care less about her stupid party and like yeah she's pretty but I just don't get the whole Bebe thing, every single guy is pinning for her except for me for some reason, I've never been too interested in the whole relationship stuff, seems annoying.

"Sure whatever we can go to the party, I'll be your wingman, make you sound really good and then she'll talk to you and be extremely disappointed." I say as I chuckle to myself.

"That's so mean Craig, she'd so be in love with me, I'll just say hi and she'll be like 'oh em gee Clyde you are the hottest guy in school, please play with my beautiful hair and tell me all about the things you and Craig do at sleepovers!' Because I'm cool" Clyde said all while staring Bebe down but taking glances at me.

"Why would she want to know what we do at sleepovers man? Literally all we do is watch Red Racer and play video games" I say while laughing.

"No because she'll find it cool! Because we're cool!" Clyde exclaimed with a massive smile on his face.

Just as I was about to turn and tell him how uncool we are the bell went.

"Aw shit, see you around Craig, I have PE first thing" Clyde said with a sad look.

Clyde always loved sports but he can get insecure when doing so because he feels he's too fat to be a cool jock that pulls every girl, I personally believe he just needs confidence.

He's an attractive guy.

Not in that way though, obviously.

"Alright see you later Clyde"

As I turn I accidentally bump into someone.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know you were there" I say as I look at the person I bumped into.

It's that Tweek kid, he isn't new, but he isn't exactly popular.

He's kind of weird yeah but we always have our differences.

But for some reason this time I looked at him and he practically took my breath away.

His hair was a light blonde, it looked soft but at the same time distressed, like he was constantly pulling it.

His eyes were a mix of brown and green, creating a beautiful hazel like colour.

His shirt was buttoned up but not well, the buttons were all in the wrong holes and his shirt was all crinkled, like it's never been ironed.

His lips were pink like cherry blossoms but with cracks adding hints of a beautiful red.

Why the fuck am I thinking like this.

"It's all my fault man, I was rushing for class and didn't look where I was going!" Tweek answered, his voice sounded distressed and like he was straining it, but I didn't mind the scratchiness to his voice.

"We both weren't looking" I say, forcing a chuckle.

"Anyway I have to get to class, I'll see you around Tweek" I say as turning to quickly get to my class but also to get away from this kid, I couldn't stop admiring him!

"OH MY GOD CLASS! SEE YOU MAN" Tweek started to screech as he ran off.

What are these feelings that I'm feeling right now??

I'm so confused.

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