Whispering in class

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I sit down at the lunch table but this time with my super amazing Red Racer lunch box.

I am soooo happy.

"Woah dude! Where'd you get the lunchbox from?" Clyde questions as he sits down with a burger from the school cafeteria.

The burger bun has splotches of white and the meat looks grey and wet.

"Turns out my mama has been packing me lunch all this time, I've just been waking up too late and missing it," I say and then shrug, I still feel quite guilty.

Tolkien sits down and observes my lunch.

"Unsalted pretzels, cut-up grapes, a ham sandwich with no crust and two small pancakes, and a small metal fork." He states, still staring.

"Craig you eat like you're still in 3rd grade!" Tolkien then says with a shocked look.

"I thought Cly-Clyde was b-buh-bad!" Jimmy adds in.

"Hey! His lunch looks good! Except I'd swap the sandwich with a burger." Clyde snarled.

Tolkien rolls his eyes and gets back to his cheese sandwich.

I look over at his lunch.

"My lunch isn't bad! Not as bad as you with your cheese sandwich with crusts and whole strawberries and side salad." I say in a snarky tone.

"Craig what I'm eating is a normal lunch in a plain blue lunch box, not with some character from a kid's show." Tolkien gives me a side eye before turning away.

"Mom and duh-dad are fighting." Jimmy chuckles.

I give Jimmy a death glare before getting up.

Everything feels warm and my head feels light.

I can feel my feet in my shoes and my collar touching my neck.

I have to leave.

"If you guys don't like my lunch then I'm leaving." I nearly shout

Clyde pulls a shocked look before turning to Jimmy.

"This is all because you made out with Bebe! Traitor." Clyde exclaims.

Jimmy pulls a shocked expression and turns to Clyde.

"I didn't m-make-out with Bebe?" Jimmy says quizzically

"But you walked off with her?" Clyde questions.

"Yeah, to huh-help me get upstairs, I'm disabled Cuh-Clyde." Jimmy pulls an awkward look and turns back to his cucumber and hummus.

"Oh," Clyde says in defeat before turning back to his burger, taking a bite and it makes a big crunching sound.

"Hm. Meats a bit crunchy." Clyde states.

Tolkien looks up at me and gives me a sorrowful look.

"Craig I've been in a bad mood because Nichole left me this morning. I didn't mean to take it out on you." Tolkien mutters.

I sit back down and turn to him.

"Why did she leave you, dude?" I question.

"I was a dick to her, she brought up me and Wendy and I got really mad and shouted and I feel super bad man." Tolkien turns away and sniffles.

I look over at Nichole sitting with Wendy, both of them are giggling.

"It'll be okay dude." I pat Tolkien on the back.


I shuffle in my seat as the teacher blabbers about Chemistry.

I kick the person next to me.

"Ow! No need for that!" The person next to me squeals.

I look over at them and it's Wendy Testaburger.

"Hey, has Nichole spoken to you?" I whisper.

"If you're trying to get her and Tolkien back together, you know they will anyway, no point trying," Wendy says as she rolls her eyes

"Do you know why they broke up?" I question.

Wendy looks at me and then turns away.

"No, she's told all the other girls but not me, does she hate me, Craig?" She gives me puppy eyes.

Why do so many people rely on me about other people?

"Uh I don't know if she hates you but they broke up because Tolkien used to date you, which I think is the stem of most arguments, I don't know exactly though because I couldn't give less shits about their relationship problems, that's Clyde's job," I say and then shrug.

Wendy pulls a sad face and looks away.

"It was really shitty of me to do that, and the even shittier part was I did it just to get back at Stan, sometimes I just don't think." She mumbles.

"I get that, I say a lot of things before thinking but it's okay, I'm human I'm going to make mistakes." I reason.

Wendy slightly smiles at me.

"How come you and Stan aren't together anymore?" I ask and she gives me an awkward look.

"It's long? I guess, I don't know, he just really didn't think and when I would call him out on being well, bad, he wouldn't apologize, he's not a bad person, he is a sweetheart, he just messed up a lot and I was tired of it, I'm still friends with him though." Wendy sighs.

"Well as I've seen on the internet, if you're still friends with an ex you're either still in love or never were supposed to date," I say and smile at her.

She chuckles and rolls her eyes.

"Okay and since when was Craig Tucker so up to date with love? Is there a special someone?" Wendy smirks at me.

"Nah. I don't do the whole dating thing, it seems annoying." I shrug.

Wendy hums and looks back at her worksheet.

"Too bad I know plenty of girls that would want to date you," Wendy says and then sighs.

"But I guess they wouldn't really be your type." She gives me a devious smile before looking at Tweek.


Does she know?

Why is she looking at Tweek?

I'm not into Tweek.

I'm gay but no Tweek.

Yeah, he made me realize I'm gay but it does not mean I'm gay for him.

I clear my throat.

"You know?" I question, my voice slightly shaking.

"Well you just kind of gave it away, but I mean anyone with a brain would notice, girls quite literally throw themselves at you and you stare at them like they just farted and then take no notice." Wendy reasons.

"I'm not gay for Tweek you know," I state, I can feel myself getting sweatier.

"Well, you seem to have taken a liking to him," Wendy says, looking over at Tweek once again.

"Doesn't mean I like him! I hang out with Clyde, doesn't mean I'm gay for Clyde." I scoff.

"Okayyy whatever." Wendy rolls her eyes and turns away.

I look back down at my work and grab my pen.

"I like the lip tint by the way," Wendy says trying not to giggle but failing.

What is it with girls noticing this tint shit! Never doing lip tint ever again.

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