Chapter 4-5: Running Through the Hours

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3-hours earlier—

"Hey, my services don't come cheap."

These words come sternly out from Konstantine's lips. Sitting in an hotel room coated in smoke, the broker finds himself sat in an uncomfortable, wooden seat as he looks to the woman sitting in front of him. This lady couldn't have been more than 25 on a bad day. Cloaked in a beautiful white dress and flowery black dress shoes, it was hampered slightly by the militaristic green hoody that hid most of the top half of her stunning dress underneath. Nevertheless, the cleanliness of her clothing didn't match the rest of her youthful appearance. Through all her natural beauty fell upon a messy cluster-bust of sleep deprivation and unkempt black hair. What's more were her 'dying' eyes.

Avoiding all eye contact she can, there lies a collection of papers on the complimentary table between them. The room lacked any personality. Composed of little more than the one queen sized bed, black mini-fridge, an extra seat, and small table. With an ashtray packed to the gills of ash and cigarette butts, the mysterious dealings come to a close. Peril clouds the parts of her face not masked by the smoke. Fear gripping at her tightly, but not from the broker that sits before her. Her eyes are trained towards the shuttered window at the room's furtherest corner. Her hands clench at the back of her arms with a strength of death in the rearview. The paranoia couldn't be clearer to see—even through the heavy cigarette smoke clinging onto the air—but the sight doesn't change a thing. The suit does not care.

"As the legal documents dictate, 'the C.D. will hold for 10 years for your daughter as the money will gain interest. No one can break this limitation, unless you—or your daughter—opts to do so prematurely at any point.'", Konstantine quoting the paperwork before noting something of his own, "When your daughter is old enough to do so. If and/or when, of course."

The matter-of-fact nature coming from his tone mixes well with the surrounding smoke as they drain the heavy atmosphere from any humane heat that could survive before their meeting. This coldness, his nonchalant demeanor, chills the air between every syllable he speaks. The woman's eyes take notice.

Konstantine continues his required legal spiel unaware of the woman's line of sight has redirected to him, "As I must make you painfully aware, 'business policy notes that a penalty will be charged if the C.D. is broken before the registered time allotted. Thank you, again, for your business. As always, Bughress Unlimited is that any investments in us are safe investments.' If you have any complaints in the pesky future, just call the number on my card. And, as soon as you initial those papers, we're golden."

The conclusion to his words breeds an uncertainty into the cramped room. The lady fidgets at the end of the bed. Unsure of her decision, she taps the pen closest to the papers onto the small table they lay upon. While the room should be quiet from the lack of talking, the rowdy sounds of surrounding hotel guests bleed on through the hotel's thin walls. Notably, these people mostly being visitors from out of town for the city's notorious celebrations, this was the biggest red flag to finish this dealing up now.

Red alarms blare inside Konstantine's head as the barely muffled cheers grow. If he doesn't leave now, there is no telling when he will be able to make it out of the city today. Unable to remain patient anymore, "Hurry it up, girl! You know what today is. I ain't getting caught up in this crap until the wife makes me. Sign the papers, pay me my visitation fee, and buzz off— I've gotta go!"

She stands to her feet in an instant. The lady becomes visibly frustrated and upset as water forms at her left eye's edges. This enough was easy to tell, if but a bit peculiar of a shift. Standing to meet her halfway, Konstantine grabs the papers stating, "Either sign'em or I'm g—"

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