Prelude: Of Ash & Tile

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    From between two seals,
The grey tiles beyond remain lifeless.
In their dull enforcements,
They cheer between reinforced doors.

    Through the rectangular window
Within my door,
The sights of whites.
The sterile fabric cloaks those that wear.
Them the watchers that patrol
Those corridors containing
Us confined.

    The wheres and the whys.
They matter not, but the hows grind.
It's nails splintering mine,
Down the cold, metal door.
Livening up with gore and blood.
Anything but the numbing greys that
Culls my mind.

    The voices repeat ad-nauseam.
The same tones but different words.
The same face but of multiple selves.
Days of sun where there were no light,
Nights of solace when there was no peace.
What came before,
Is it my past?

    In this institution of good-intentions,
Behind these jailed doors,
I am comforted by these cushioned walls.
These screams of madness,
Melodies for my timeless slumber.
How did this happen?

    In the nigh dark,
Mired by cleanly grime,
Even my hair has lost it's color.
To the ash that acts as my blanket.
How is my family,
How was my sick mother?

    Does dawn break,
Or is it dusk that has fallen by now?
Time has lost meaning.
They think me crazy,
But it is they that have forgotten?
What once was fact has lost it's truth.
I am alone in this city of emeralds.
There is no one looking for me anymore.
Why is this happening to me?

These are all poems written from the perspectives of an individual character within the story.
While they give insight to each character, their respective identity will be up to the reader to figure out as they read on through the series.

Hope you all enjoy these!

Duality;Solaris Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now