Intermission: Man in the Mirror

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It knows all that I know.
He knows what I wish not to.
I am thou, thou art I.

Between the proverbs of right and wrong,
An abyss stared back.
Of shadows of dark and
Mists of peril
Perfoliate the depths.
Thorned into the whole that once stood
bright and vibrant.
And this was true for all at a point.

It was what grew in the depths of their minds.
In the spaces hidden from themselves.
A space full of the person behind their waking face.

I didn't know,
I did not know of the dangers behind the wizard's curtain.
The catastrophes caused by messing with
The Id behind the Ego.
These machinations that built
My consequences of being everyone's

Justice is ironclad,
But what has become of these
Morals of mine?

Am I in the wrong?
Are these just trials for a better tomorrow?
Have I gone too far?
Is this what Jesse would have wanted?

No, no, no—

These are the dangers Uncle warned.
The whispers of doubt that cloud the mind of man.
No— I must
... Concentrate.

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