Headcanons Part 3

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Questions by: skriveting on tumblr

I am having so much fun answering these!


Who's the first to apologize?
-It depends on the fight and the day😭😂

Who takes on boring tasks around the house so the other person doesn't have to do them?
-Geoff, but Gwen will do it if she has to

Who's the more skeptical of the two?

Who picks up languages faster?

Who's better at dealing with emotional trauma?

Who's more foulmouthed?
-Geoff lmao

Who's more in touch with internet culture?

Which of the two is more artistic?

Who'll be the first to snap if someone makes a bad comment about the other person?

Who's the most self-aware?

Who has the most self-control?

Which of the two would be more likely to make a family album with physical pictures?

Who would confess their love first?
-Geoff, most likely. Although I could see Gwen doing it too in rare instances

Who gets most excited about holidays? e.g. Christmas
-Geoff, unless it's Halloween. No one is happier than Gwen on Halloween

Who gets most intense during a fight?
-Geoff, but not necessarily in a bad way. He's just more emotional

Who's the cheapest?

Who's the most concerned about details and semantics and who doesn't care at all?
-Gwen cares way more about details

Who invites the other to dance for the first time?

Who overthinks the most?
-Gwen, but Geoff can overthink too when times are rough

Who whines the most when they get sick?

Who's the most ambitious?

Who's the most likely to get stage fright?

Who's the best cook?

Which of the two is the most competitive?
-Neither are that competitive, but Gwen by a little

Who's got the highest pain tolerance?
-They've both for high pain tolerance, but probably Gwen by a little

Who's the most fashionable?

Who's the most stubborn?

Who's the most childish?

Whose grammar is so bad it's a miracle they graduated 5th grade?

Who starts gearing up for Christmas first?

Who's got the most scars (physically)?
-Geoff because he injures himself too much😭😂

Who would survive the longest in the wild?
-Probably Gwen

Who's the most spiteful?

Which of the two would you choose to be stuck with in an emergency situation?
-Gwen, no offense to Geoff, but sometimes his brain just doesn't work😂🤣

Who's the most likely to hurt the other's feelings unintentionally?
-Geoff because Gwen is more insecure

Which of the two has the most dominant traits, aka., which of the two would their child end up resembling the most?
-Probably Gwen because she has the dominant eyes and hair color

Who makes their bed in the morning and who's more of a slob?
-Neither of them make their beds every morning, but Geoff is more of a slob in general, lol

Who'll be caught saying "rules are made to be broken"?
-Geoff, when he's on an adrenaline high

Whose hobbies/interests change every 2-5 business days?

Who'd be able not to talk for the longest?

Whose I-Hate-Everything-And-Everyone teenage phase was the most intense/lasted the longest?
-GWEN. I'm convinced Geoff never went through that stage

Who'd take the gingerbread house decorating contest just a little too seriously?

Who's more likely to execute their threats?

Who has the more embarrassing Spotify Wrapped?

Who's the most likely to take a bribe?

Who has the hardest time finishing a train of thought because they get distracted by a million other things along the way?

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