Headcanons Part 5

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Questions by: genevievemd on tumblr

This may just become a "headcanons" book at this point💀


They are grocery shopping and this turns into a race on who can get their half of the list completed faster. Who wins?
-Probably Gwen because Geoff would end up tripping over his own feet or something💀

Who playfully hugs their partner from behind when they are cooking/prepping food?
-Both of them do it

How do they playfully roast one another?
-Gwen roasts Geoff with sarcasm, which sometimes takes him a few seconds to understand because he's hardly ever sarcastic 😂

-Geoff roasts Gwen by making some kind of joke about how she burns so easily in the sun💀

Who is the one who continues to use cheesy pick up lines after years of dating?

Who likes to press their nose against their partner's neck while smiling?

Who kisses the inside of their partner's palm?

What cute nicknames do they call one another?
-Geoff calls Gwen "G"

-Gwen doesn't really have any pet names, but she'll sometimes call him "party guy" or "Goldie Locks"😭

Who would they love to go on a double date with?
-Brody and Kitty (Yes, I ship them too)

-Duncan and Courtney (HERE ME OUT: it'll be awkward, but if everything is forgiven, they could all be the best of friends, lmao💀)

Who is more likely to call their partner 'dude'?

How did their second date go?
-It went well, much better than the first. Their first was cute, but it was very awkward because they were both anxious about not impressing the other. They were also nervous because they were worried about ruining their friendship

Who knows the most obscure facts?
-Gwen because she does a lot of random internet searches for her shower thoughts and middle of the night thoughts😂

Can they name each other's favourite food?
-Yes. Gwen knows that Geoff loves pizza and burritos, and Geoff knows that Gwen loves blueberry pie

What is their song?
-"Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana

Do either of them have a crazy ex?
-It would probably be Gwen because, in my head, she dated a lot of people before Geoff—And no, I'm not talking about Trent💀

Who is the hopeless romantic?
-Geoff is more outwardly romantic, but Gwen is extremely inwardly romantic

Who is the dramatic one?

What do they like to see each other in?
-Geoff likes seeing Gwen in his oversized shirts, and Geoff likes seeing Geoff wear just an open shirt- like he wears in TD, but Geoff also likes her usual goth aesthetic as well!

What do they love about each other the most?
-Geoff loves that Gwen is passionate about everything she does. He also loves how real she is in most situations.

-Gwen loves that Geoff is so loyal and determined to make her happy when she's down. She also loves how he's so loyal and sweet.

How do they comfort each other when they are helpless to do anything about the situation?
-They go on a road trip or do some kind of hobby together

Who accidentally sets something on fire?

Who still gets butterflies after years of dating?
-Honestly, BOTH

How would each of them explain how they met?
-Gwen: "We met on the lamest and most horrifying show in the world. It was so traumatic, but at least we got each other out of it. Who knew?"

-Geoff: "When we were teenagers, we got to go to this awesome camp and do all these super crazy challenges, but I met so many friends and made some great memories, so I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'm so happy I met Gwen there!"

Who pulls the other closer while sleeping?
-Both, depending on the night

Who accidentally drinks too much caffeine and who has to deal with their partner bouncing off the walls?
-Geoff drinks a lot of caffeine, so Gwen deals with it almost 24/7💀

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