Headcanons Part 4

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I can't stop💀

Questions by: genevievemd on tumblr


Who laughs and kisses their partner on the cheek while their partner isn't happy about something trivial to try and make them feel better?
-Geoff kisses Gwen On the cheek. He always tries to cheer her up, even if he feels sad himself🥰

What is something that they gave one another that has a lot of meaning?
-Geoff gave Gwen a handmade bracelet he's has since he was a little kid. It's special to him because he made it himself on his first trip to the beach with his family

How would one another describe their partner?
-Gwen would describe Geoff as really cool, funny, nice, caring, and very sweet

-Geoff would describe Gwen as fun, pretty, passionate, and hardworking

Who always talks about how amazing their partner is when their partner isn't there and they just light up with genuine love and happiness?
-Geoff loves to talk about Gwen when she's not there. He's so caught up in her and he's just glowing when he thinks of her. Gwen also talks about Geoff, but since she a more reserved, she doesn't tell everyone everything

Who loves it when their partner kisses them good morning?
-Geoff kisses Gwen good morning because he's almost always up before her, and she smiles and hums happily while her yes are still closed

Who loves to pull pranks on the other? What type of pranks do they pull and do they pull their pranks off?
-Geoff plays small, funny pranks on Gwen occasionally, and Gwen will sometimes get him back. It'll be something like scaring her in the middle of the night, and she'll counter-attack by pulling something like the penny in a water bottle trick😂

What is something small that they would randomly pick up for one another?
-Geoff would definitely go out to buy women's products (pads, tampons) for Gwen (with her guidance over the phon ofc, lmao)

-Gwen would pick up some pizza Geoff ordered or a movie he really wants

Who is the one who can't stop laughing when trying to tell a joke?
-Gwen because Geoff's facial reactions crack her up🤣

Who would plan the other a surprise birthday party?
-Geoff would plan Gwen a surprise birthday party, but only with very few people because Gwen doesn't like large crowds

Who picks the other person up when hugging their partner?
-Geoff picks up Gwen when he's really happy to see her after a while if they've been busy

Who likes to jump into the other person's arms?
-Gwen will jump into his arms if they haven't seen each other in a while

Who makes puns with numerous things that they find?
-Geoff, and they're not the best, but Gwen would be concerned if he stopped doing it

Who would sing a love song to the other in the car?
-Geoff, but they're both mediocre at singing, so it would be hilarious💀

What do they say to one another before they go to sleep?
-It depends. Sometimes it's, "love you." And sometimes it's, "Anyway, I was wondering..." *falls asleep*

Who looks at the other person like they are their world when the other isn't looking?
-Geoff will give Gwen the most affectionate looks in the entire universe, but Gwen also looks at him that way too. Geoff just does it more

If they were to have matching pyjamas, what would they be?
-Probably something to do with animals

Who would win in a pillow fight?
-Geoff, probably

Who prepares/orders takeout for the other person just because they know how much their partner loves it?

Who can't stop giggling when their partner kisses them all over their face?

Who is in love with the other person's laugh?
-Geoff ADORES Gwen's laugh. He even recorded a video of them laughing together about something once, and he listens to Gwen laughing when he's sad and she's not there

Who cracks open their beverage before handing it to their partner?

Who runs their thumb over the other person's skin to comfort them?
-Geoff mostly, but both usually go for the other person's hair

Who can't stop giggling when they are supposed to be serious which then makes their partner start giggling?

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