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For extra pain listen to the final duet.

"I have to tell you all something," Sunny said blankly. The hospital room was quiet other the sound of Basil's heart monitors. Hero, Kel, and Aubrey looked at him. Basil stared blankly at the white ceiling. "Mari didn't hang herself. She... no, I pushed her down the stairs... and... and me and Basil... we got scared... and we hung her up on the tree..." Sunny said quietly. His eyes welled up with tears. "I-I killed Mari. I killed my big sister."

There was a heavy silence in the room. His words sank into the air. Aubrey broke the silence. Tears ran down her face. "You! You did what!? What do you mean you and Basil..." she gasped loudly before burying her face in her arms, letting out choked sobs. "What do you mean you killed her?!?" She screamed as she collapsed to her knees in a fit of sobs her long hair falling over her shoulders. Kel's eyes were fixed on Sunny. His face shows many emotions at once, sadness, confusion grief, and anger. Hero walked towards Sunny and grabbed his hospital gown collar and pulled him close and got in his face. Tears streamed down his face.
"YOU KILLED MARI?! WHY?! SUNNY WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" Hero yelled in Sunny's face. Sunny whispered his apologies to everyone. Aubrey yelled in anger before she ran out of the hospital room, Kel ran after her calling her name. Leaving Sunny, Basil, and Hero in the room alone. Hero broke down in sobs. "Why... why did this happen? Why didn't you just call 911?." Hero said before shoving Sunny away and walking out of the room.

Months later Sunny had long since moved away from Faraway Town. He had gone back to his hikikomori ways, to a lesser degree though. He spent most of his time on the internet now but when he did find himself going back to Headspace it always felt different. Sunny was playing a game on his laptop mindlessly tapping the buttons on the keyboard. What time was it? It doesn't matter. When an email notification popped up. Surprised, Sunny clicked on it.

"Hey, Sunny! It's me, Kel. Me, Aubrey, Basil, and Hero are taking a road trip to the town you live in now and I wanted to visit you and your Mom for a bit. What's your address again?"

Sunny stared at the message before typing a message and sending it. He smiled and got up from underneath his heavy blankets. He had to get ready, his friends were going to come over soon.

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