Official Trailer

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In the dark hallway lit by torches, a shadow figure walks through to reveal Mario, as he takes a deep breath. As soon as he walks out, a bright light blinded him.

It later dies down, as he finds himself in a Colosseum arena with a crowd full of gorillas in their seats. His name was being chanted, "Mario! Mario! Mario! Mario!"

Two big fists punches the ground where Mario stood. Mario puts up his fists and closes his eyes.

"Alright.", Mario said. A gorilla lean his head down in a pouncing position to reveal Donkey Kong, as he glare at his opponent.

"Let's-a go.", Mario continued. Mario opens his eyes and glares back and charges with Donkey charging back.

Cranky Kong, leader of the Kongs, sits on a throne, watching them. Sitting besides him was a woman in a royal pink dress named Princess Peach.

She's not the only one, as Cherry or Princess Cherry is wearing a blue royal dress that matches Peach's. Toad cheers for his mustachioed friend along with Cherry.

As Mario jumps up high with his fist raised, ready to punch Donkey, only to get his face grabbed by Donkey and slammed him down to the ground, before rapidly punching him. Mario exclaims in pain, while wheezing at every punch he received.

Peach and Toad winces in concern, seeing their friend getting butt whooped. "Oh!", Peach gasped.

"Oh, my! Okay...", Toad said. Cranky just grabs a banana and shrugs, not caring for Mario's well-being.

But, Cherry... boy, was she mad. Without thinking, Cherry jumped off from the throne and charges towards Donkey, ignoring her friends' cries of warning.

"Hey, you!!", Cherry called out. Donkey turns around, only to find Cherry jumping up go him and kicking him straight in the chin.

This causes him to fly back a little, as she back flips and lands in a fighting pose, standing protectively in front of Mario. Mario then gets up with a groan.

"You didn't have to do that.", Mario groaned. "Well, I can't stand seeing my brother get beaten.", Cherry said.

Donkey gets up and glares at the princess that was checking in on Mario. He charges towards them and Mario notices.

"Sis, look out!", Mario warned her. Just as Donkey goes to punch her, he stops when Cherry looks back and growls at him.

He was surprised by her beauty with those fierceness and determination in her eyes. "You're... a miracle.", Donkey Kong said in awe.

She didn't listen to what he just said and kicks him where the sun don't shine. Everyone oohed and winced at the pain he was giving, which terrifies Mario and Toad, as they cover their private area.

Donkey holds his poor area with a painful groan. Cherry grabs him by the arm and flips him over.

She summons her magic, as she creates a magical bow and arrow. She readies her weapon and knocks him down from the column they're on with an arrow where his tie is.

In the Bowser Kingdom, Luigi floats towards Bowser by Kamek's magic wand. Bowser approaches him with a menacing smirk and faces him.

"Not sure if you know who I am...", Bowser said. The armies of Koopa Troopas, Hammer Bros, Goombas, Shy Guys, Bob-ombs, Piranha Plants, Swoops, and more are seen having some sort of party, as they play around.

"...but I'm about to rule the world.", Bowser continued. The next scene cuts to the Koopa Troopas rushing out of the Bowser Kingdom towards the snow area where the Penguin Kingdom is, as one landed and looked around cautiously, holding his spear up.

Various! Super Mario Bros. Movie x Peach's Long-Lost Twin Sister! Oc InsertWhere stories live. Discover now