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Somewhere on a snow ground full of cold weather, the Penguin Kingdom was visible right ahead. It was peaceful for a moment until a giant fireball was shot down to the ground, melting the snow.

Then two more fireballs thrown before the giant flaming lava arrived, melting more snow. As it melts snow along the path it takes, the flying castle, Bowser Kingdom is visible.

Bowser's face was prominently visible in the middle of the flying castle, with fiery eyes and a mouth. The spiked balls anchored the Bowser Kingdom into place as they crashed onto the snow.

Upon lowering down, it crashed into Penguin Kingdom's buildings. Opening the door brought out red and green-colored shells as they tumble down before revealing they are Koopas as they charged toward the kingdom.

On top of the castle, there folding out their wings are Koopa Paratroopas. One with a spiked blue shell holds up a spear with a yell before he and others soar down to join the Koopas on the ground.

An army full of Koopas stand in their position, ready for battle. A purple mist emerges from the snowy ground and bursts out to reveal the Magikoopa named, Kamek as he stand in the middle of the path that was made.

"Behold! The King of the Koopas!", Kamek announced, before placing his magic wand down, as the Koopas turned and stood straight. The mouth of Bowser Kingdom opened up, revealing a flaming mist that covered a big monstrous creature, as he walked out menacingly.

He then jumped off and landed with a loud thud. He growls ahead, as he approached the Penguin Kingdom with loud stomps, causing the ground to shake.

There stand Bowser, as he glares at the kingdom after arriving. "Open the gates!", Bowser demanded.

"Or die!", Bowser continued with a grin. Behind the ice gates, tall shadowy figures stand behind the gates.

In response, one of the Koopa armies hid underneath his shell a bit, as he trembled in fear at how intimidating they look while the one with the eye patch stood calmly. Cold mists filled the air as the gates were opened after complying Bowser's command.

What they didn't expect is not the tall, tough armies but rather blue and white penguins, as they wear serious, angry faces with narrowed eyes. The king of the penguins with the crown and cape glare at Bowser and the armies.

The Koopa pops his head out of the shell in shock at the sight of them. One of the penguins cracks its neck, while the other readies its stance, huffing out.

The King Penguin points his flipper. "Attack!", King Penguin yelled out.

All the penguins let out a battle cry and charge forward. They started scooping up the snow from the ground and rolled it up into a snowball and threw it at them only... to hit Bowser on the shoulder.

Calmly, Bowser glanced at his snow covered shoulder then back at the penguins with an unamused look at their pathetic attempt to fight back. The penguins continued to throw snowballs at them as they use the catapult to throw a big snowball at Kamek.

Thinking fast, Kamek teleported right away as the snowball hit the Koopa instead, who grunted out in surprise. The Koopa looked down Koopa, removing the eye patch.

King Penguin raised his closed flipper to stop their throwing as they did. "That is but a taste of our fury! Do you yield?", King Penguin asked, firmly.

The penguins get into their fighting stance with their snowballs in hand. Bowser just let out an evil chuckle.

"I do not.", Bowser replied with a smirk. He glanced at Kamek, who smirks and brings up his hands with his magic wand to freeze the penguins and levitated them in the air.

The penguins gasped at this magic, as they couldn't move, before getting thrown away to the side, including King Penguin. The Koopas pointed their spears at them to prevent them from moving.

Bowser faces the kingdom, before bringing out his fiery breath to melt the entire ice kingdom. The penguins watch in dismay, while Kamek watches Bowser burn the kingdom with glee through his glasses that are filled with fire.

As soon as he finishes burning, the kingdom collapses, leaving a big smoke and blinding everyone. Once the smoke was cleared, the Koopa armies were amazed at the sight, but the penguins were not.

"No!", King Penguin cried out, who's being held by the Koopa with a spear. Bowser smiled, seeing a big yellow and blue glow from the inside of the destroyed kingdom.

Kamek points his wand to create stairs with destroyed pieces of the kingdom as it levitates for Bowser to step on as he goes up. He stops in front of the Question Block, as it glows.

The Penguins struggled to get out of their grip to stop Bowser from taking them, especially the blue one that appears very important. But, the Koopas' grip were too strong.

Bowser brings up his fist and punches the block, causing it to crack for a moment, before it bursts out into bright light. Bowser laughs evilly as soon as the light fades out to reveal a glowing Super Star.

He then glances at the mysterious unknown blue cube and smashes it, too. Specs of blue sparkles bursts out to reveal a magical lotus flower.

"I finally found them

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"I finally found them. And now, no one can stop meeee!!", Bowser declared. The Super Star brightened up along with the magic lotus, as everything faded into black.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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