Mushroom Kingdom Clip

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Mario, Cherry, and Toad walk their way towards the Mushroom Kingdom. Some Toads punches coin block with their mushroom hat, causing the coins to fall out like ATM machines.

A red and white one pants, looking tired from getting out a lot of coins. "Excuse me everybody, coming through.", Toad said, shoving past the Toads.

"Got a big adventure happening right now. Just clear a path for us.", Toad continued. The red and white one dropped a giant gold coin after being shoved by Toad.

Cherry picks up the coin, as the red and white Toad approaches her. "If I could just...", Toad started.

"Here you go.", Cherry said. Though, all she received was a gasp, as the red Toad dropped his coin and bowed to her.

"Princess!", Red Toad exclaimed. Cherry flinched back in surprise.

"Uh...", Cherry just said, confused and uncomfortable. Mario sees this and gently pulls her away.

"Let's just go...", Mario said. "...excuse me.", Toad said.

Cherry and Mario quickly followed after Toad, as many mushroom folks stare at them along the way. But, most of them are staring at Cherry in awe and shock.

Whispers were made by the Toads, as some bow to her whenever she walk by. "It's the lost princess!", one Toad said.

"She's really here!", another Toad added. "She's beautiful!", one Toad said in awe.

"Our princess is finally back home!", another Toad cheered. "What is she wearing? Shouldn't she be in her dress?", one Toad asked.

Cherry gets uncomfortable with the stares and whispers and walks close to her older brother. "Mario, everyone's staring at me...", Cherry whispered.

Mario sees her distress and grabs her hand. "Don't worry. I'm sure there's explanation to all of this. Though, I never expect you to become a lost princess.", Mario reassured her.

"I don't know if I'm actually a princess nor do I even want to be one.", Cherry said, not wanting to believe it. Their conversation was soon cut off by Toad, who is jumping and shouting at the Toads rather rudely and unnecessary.

"Excuse me everybody, coming through! These guys' brother is going to die imminently!! Out of the way please!", Toad yelled out. Mario and Cherry gets instantly shocked and angered, as they tried to get Toad to keep it down a notch.

"Hey!", Mario said, shrugging his arms in annoyance. "This isn't helping! Are you trying to worry us more?!", Cherry exclaimed, glaring at him.

Toad turns and gives them an innocent smile. "Just trying to clear a path. That's all I'm doing. He's going to be fine.", Toad said.

This made Cherry hope that he's right. She can't let her younger brother get hurt and is willing to find him.

A purple Toad passes by and greets Toad. "Chanterelle.", Toad said.

"Morning.", Chanterelle said. "Nice to see you bud.", Toad continued.

Chanterelle gasps at the sight of Cherry and bows. "P-Please no need to bow.", Cherry sweat dropped.

"Yes, my princess!", Chanterelle said. This made Cherry follow after Mario and Toad faster.

A yellow Toad walks past them, holding Cheep Cheep in a plastic bag. The fish however sneers at Mario, which startles him a bit.

Cherry was amazed at this place and could sees the antiques shop, as the customer talks to the old man Toad. "Does this thing work?", one Toad asked.

"Yes, works great. You just have to blow into it.", old man Toad replied. Going across a yellow, doorless, elevator like platform, Toad enters.

"And up we go!", Toad said. "Going up?", Mario and Cherry questioned in unison.

Seeing the black and yellow stripes on the bars, Mario and Cherry rushes over and jumps over it and lands next to Toad before the platform goes up. They get onto another platform that moves across and Toad jumps into another as Mario and Cherry follow.

However, he grabs onto the edge of the platform, as it moves. Cherry quickly pull him up next to her.

The platform made it to the other side, as Toad jumps off of it and runs off. Mario catches his breath, as she pats his back.

"You doing alright?", Cherry asked. "Y-Yeah! I'm good.", Mario stuttered.

"We might have to follow after Toad. He's fast for a little guy.", Cherry said. "No kidding.", Mario said.

Cherry and Mario quickly runs after Toad. They go up to the platform next to the green Toad, as it moves up.

The green Toad stares at Cherry with his mouth agape to see the lost princess of the Mushroom Kingdom. They heard a whistle and Cherry and Mario turned to see Toad and hurried after him, as they run across a floating brick road.

Mario and Cherry look down at it in surprise. "Whoa! Okay, so these brisk are just floatin' here?", Mario asked in shock.

"Okay, that's dangerous! But cool!", Cherry said. They later catch up to Toad, as they stand near the clear pipe.

"Just pop in this pipe and we're on our way.", Toad said. "Oh.", Mario said.

"Whoa, really?", Cherry asked, as she raised her eyebrow. "It's the only way to fly man.", Toad replied.

Toad smiles and jumps into the pipe, all curled up and let out a cheerful yell. Cherry then gets excited.

"Come on, Mario!", Cherry said. "Cherry, wait a second!", Mario called out.

She ignored him and jumps into the pipe, all curled up as well. "Woohoo!! Yeah!", Cherry exclaimed.

Mario shakes his head at her with a smile on his face and takes a look into the pipe. "Oh, wow. Love these pipes.", Mario said.

He was cut off, as he got sucked into the pipe as well, as he screamed along the way. As he zoom through, he gets smacked into every corner of the pipe, as he didn't curl like Cherry and Toad did.

Toad and Cherry shoot up the pipe with ease, while poor Mario gets his face smeared against the pipe, as he catches up to the. Later on, Mario pops out of the green pipe and sluggishly gets out with a groan and collapsed on the ground.

Cherry sees him and comes to his aid. "Mario, you okay?", Cherry asked.

"Never.Use.The.Pipes.Ever.", Mario muffled from the ground. Toad didn't pay attention to them, as he was staring up at something before them.

"Here we are. Palace doors. Bing. Bang. Boom.", Toad said, as he scurried off. Mario adjusted his cap, as he and Cherry looked over and gasped to see a beautiful pink castle and in a center was a stain glass steel portrait of the frame picture of the blonde woman with a crown on her head.

"This is...", Cherry voiced in awe. Toad urges the two to follow him.

"Come on! Whoo!", Toad called out. "What are we waiting for? Let's go! Race you for it!", Cherry said.

Cherry runs off in a head start. "Hey! No fair! Wait up!", Mario shouted out.

Mario runs after her with Cherry laughing at him.

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