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 Heads always win in his stupid coin flip; now, all of a sudden, it's tails

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Heads always win in his stupid coin flip; now, all of a sudden, it's tails. I should have asked to see the stupid coin instead of letting him drag me out of work like a  fucking brute. That's precisely what this tall, freakishly handsome man is—a sexy killing brute. Mr. Von blah blah blah is someone I would have loved to run with in the past. He is the type of guy younger me would have loved and followed to the pits of Hell with; now, I steer clear of men like him. Pfft, I'm trying to steer clear, but he is making it impossible.

    The smell of pasta hits my face as I walk inside the restaurant. The hostess comes from around her podium and stops, looking over my head. I don't need to look behind me to know that she is awestruck or just pure animalistic thoughts are running through her head. Sebastian is behind me. I can feel his heat rolling off of him in tidal waves.

    "Mr. Vernon," she nods. "Right this way."

    "Hi," I wave. "I was here before him." She gives me a nervous look, then back to Sebastian.

    "Don't test my patience, Ms. Ross. Follow her." He puts his hand on my lower back, giving me a slight push. Bastard. The host walks us through the restaurant and stops at a black door. Sebastian can feel my hesitance because he gives me another push as the door opens. I don't like eating in rooms at restaurants. A lot of bad comes from it.

    "I can eat out here." I push back against his hand. "I'm not part of your staff. I should—"

    "You are my staff. I own the hotel you work in. Now get inside."

You know when all the red flags pop up, screaming at you not to go any further. Or when the alarms are blaring at you to fucking stop? Yeah, that is happening, and my feet think it's just there for fun and start to move inside. The room is well-lit, and Julian and that woman are sitting at the table, talking –no more like having a minor disagreement. The woman finally looks at us as we near the table, she gives me a curious yet annoyed look before her eyes move to Sebastian, and she smiles. Are they have a thing?

    "Bash, tell Jules that the last time we were here, he tried the surf and turf and hated it. He doesn't seem to remember. I don't want to hear him complaining all day about it." She rolls her eyes. They all seem friendly. She is even on nickname bases with them. How long has she worked for Sebastian?

    "You wouldn't shut the fuck up about it," Sebastian says, and this is the first time I heard him have some sort of humor in his voice. "Sit, Ms. Ross."

    Red flags fly high, and alarms still scream as I sit down. Damn, I wish Brett were here. She would know what to do in this situation. I'm clearly out of my element and wouldn't know what to talk about with them. I can't share too much without the fear of my past coming up, and then I would only be putting everyone in danger, myself included. I did an amazing job of covering up who I was, and I don't need to go bringing that up.

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