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Y/N's POV:

    It is now a week into the summertime, and everything has completely changed. All of the older kids in karate had graduated high school, which felt odd. But, now the rest of us will be moving up into our sophomore year of high school. I completely moved out of my original house, and out of the Larusso's, and I now live with my 'dad' Johnny Lawrence. (It still feels weird for me call him dad.) 

     Johnny and Carmen no longer have their apartment in Reseda. They've actually gotten a house together. It's not as big as the Larusso's, but it is definitely an upgrade from the apartment complex. Everyone has their own bedroom, including me. It is quite a full house, there is Johnny, Carmen, Rosa, Miguel, Robby, my new baby sister (which also feels weird to say), and me. Everyone in the house speaks to me, except for Robby. It is a little bit awkward with Carmen and Johnny still... mostly because they just don't know how to talk to me.

     If you're wondering, Johnny told Carmen that I was his daughter shortly after I awoke from my coma. She had a hard time accepting it, but she always has been sweet and supportive. She couldn't necessarily be angry at him for anything, since he had no idea about me until this year. But she still is treating me kindly, as if she was my real mom. The only people who knew that I was Johnnys daughter were the people who lived in this house, and Anthony. No one from Miyagi-Fang, not even Daniel, knows.

    Miguel is surprisingly nice to me, and has forgiven me for all that I have done. We aren't exactly close, but he does try his best to make light conversations with me whenever he sees me around the house. I think he feels bad because he sort of relates to my situation. He knows how much it sucks for your own family member to betray you; and how hard it is to be in a coma.

    Robby refuses to even look at me. He doesn't even acknowledge my existence. Which stings, but at the same time I don't blame him. I never have tried to even speak to him or even mend our relationship. I wouldn't want to speak to me either if I was in that position. He also has had quite an attitude with everyone else in the house. He's mad at Johnny for... being my dad. He is nice to Carmen and Rosa because they have never done anything wrong, but he is just very short with them. He doesn't acknowledge them as much as he usually would. He has been in his own world. Him and Miguel are still close, with some of the occasional brotherly type of fights. But, he does not agree with Miguel forgiving me.

     Lastly, Rosa is probably the one I'm closest too in the house. She has never been awkward or looked at me differently. She always cooks for me, invites me to spend time with her, etc. Just like Carmen, she treats me as if I'm her own as well. There is a slight communication barrier, because she speaks more Spanish than English. But we make it work, she currently is giving me Spanish lessons and in return I am giving her English lessons.

     I've also changed my hair. It's still long and brown, but Ive changed the hot pink highlights into an ocean blue color. I hated it at first, but Anthony said I looked beautiful no matter how my hair looked. I have also been struggling quite a bit with loving myself lately. The cuts on my face from the huge fight a few months ago, changed into scars. I feel hideous. But, once again, Anthony compliments them. It makes me feel a bit better, but it's still going to take A LOT of warming up to.

     Speaking of Anthony, he is the only Larusso who speaks to me. The others still haven't forgiven me. As a matter of fact, EVERYONE in the valley is still angry with me. (Mostly it's just everyone involved with karate.) I get many stares and whispers from kids my own age when I go out in public. So, I choose just to stay home a majority of the time. I actually am mainly just in my room. I get very depressed at times when I'm alone and start to think about everything. I have days where I physically just cannot get out of bed.

I'll Never Give Up On You. (Anthony Larusso x Reader) BOOK #2Where stories live. Discover now