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Y/N's POV:

On Saturday evening, I started to prepare myself for the 'party' that Anthony is taking me to. My nerves and insecurities were really starting to set in. I finally owned make-up, because the nurse at the hospital let me keep hers after the prom. I was sort of unsure how to use most of it; but a youtube tutorial now and then helped. I tried my best to cover up my scars, but no matter how much foundation and concealer I packed on, I couldn't cover it even a little. Instead I did dramatic winged eyeliner to hopefully take the attention off of it. Afterwards I headed to my room and put on a mini skirt, a black lace camisole top, and combat boots.

As I was putting in my earrings, preparing to leave, I had gotten a phone call from an unknown number. It was very strange, because there was only about three people who I ever spoke to. I answered the phone, and I would've never guessed who was calling me.

"Y/N?..." They said.

It was the voice of my mother. I felt rage run through my system and my heart sink down into my stomach. I stayed silent, I didn't respond when she called my name.

"Y/N... I need to tell you something." She said.

"I don't EVER want to speak to you. Fuck off, and NEVER call me again." I said angrily.

"Wait I-" She started until I cut her off by hanging up the phone. I tried to push this down and ignore it because I didn't want to ruin my evening when it just had barely even begun. I sprayed on my best smelling perfume, grabbed my bag and phone, then proceeded to head downstairs.

The first person I saw as I walked downstairs was Johnny. He looked at me up and down in shock. I don't know if it was because this is the first time that I've brushed my hair in a while or it's because this is the first time Im leaving the house without his convincing.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To a party with Anthony." I said as I opened the fridge to grab a water bottle.

"Um okay... yes you may go, thanks for asking." He said sarcastically.

I pretended to not notice his sarcasm, "Thanks, see you later. I won't be too long." I said as I started to walk out the front door.

When I walked outside, I walked passed Rosa who was sitting on the front porch admiring the garden. (She was very content about the garden; she has never had one before)

"Ah, muy hermosa!" She said to me as I passed her.

I turned around quickly, "Gracias, Rosa!"
Once I said this, Johnny peaked his head out the front door. "If anyone is mean to you, I will
kick their ass!" He yelled to reassure me.

All I did was give him a thumbs up before walking to the foot of the driveway, where Anthony said he would pick me up in the uber. I didn't wait long, but when I got in the car he raved about how great I looked and that he was so excited that I agreed to go. As he spoke, my phone vibrated. Which was weird once again. Because like I said, the only person who I really ever talk to is already in the car with me.

I checked it, and it was a notification from the unknown number. It was a voicemail from my mom. I frowned once I saw this, but I refused to open it. Not yet. Not right now.

I'll Never Give Up On You. (Anthony Larusso x Reader) BOOK #2Where stories live. Discover now