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Anthony's POV:

I woke up with my head absolutely pounding this morning. I am not quite sure what happened last night at all. I sat up and saw a bucket by my bed, a water bottle, and medication. Well, I'm definitely hungover. I thought to myself as I took two Tylenol's and a sip of water. I was still in my day clothes from yesterday. I felt a bit disgusted once I realized I slept in my jeans. I took my phone out of my pocket to check it. It was almost dead, at 2%. But it was already 11:30! How in the hell did I sleep for this long? The most confusing part was, there was no text messages or calls from Y/N. She was typically already awake by this time, and would have sent me a 'good morning' text by now. I shrugged it off and plugged in my phone, then went to my bathroom to take a shower to hopefully make me feel better.

When I got out of the shower, I checked my phone again, and still nothing. It was almost 12:00 pm now. I raised my eyebrow and texted her; 'Good morning beautiful. ❤️' I said. Who knows, maybe she also is sleeping in today. I walked downstairs and pretended like nothing was wrong. My mom and dad were both sitting at the dining table with very serious looks on their faces. Oh no. I thought to myself.

"It's about time you woke up." My mom said with a dissatisfied tone.

    "Sorry, I was just tire-"

    "Anthony... What're you doing hanging out with Y/N?" My dad cut me off.

     I felt my face go pale and cold when he asked that. How did he find out? He has been forbidding me to see her since the incident happened a few months ago. I gulped hard and said nothing.

    "And Cindy called me this morning...apparently Y/N punched Madison in the face and broke her nose!" My dad yelled.
Wait, what? Y/N punched Madison in the face? I stopped and thought for a moment. I was forcing my brain to remember everything. Then it hit me like a truck.

    "Oh my God... I'm such a fucking idiot!" I whispered loudly to myself. I can't believe I kissed another girl! I was so out of it, that I had thought Madison was Y/N. And Madison knew that too... she took advantage of me. I then sat down at the kitchen table and put my head down and pulled my hair in frustration. "Oh no no no no no!" I cried out. "What is wrong with me!" I yelled. I stood up quickly once I realized I needed to go and apologize to her immediately. "I need to go." I said to my parents as I started to leave quickly.

    "Uh, you are not going anywhere!" My dad said as he stood up to run after me.

    I grabbed the handle of the front door and started to open it, until it was slammed shut by my dad.

    "Anthony! Stop! You are grounded!" He yelled at me.

    "For what?!" I yelled.

    "For going out drinking, AND for seeing Y/N when I especially told you not to!"

    I started fuming, and for the first time ever, I got up in his face. "There is NOTHING that you can say or do to make me stay away from her!"

    "I am your father!"

    "You sure don't act like it! Besides, you act like you never drank any alcohol as a teenager!" I yelled at him once more before I opened the door again and stepped out.

I'll Never Give Up On You. (Anthony Larusso x Reader) BOOK #2Where stories live. Discover now