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Y/N's POV:

    I squinted my eyes and tried to get a better look at the car. Then I come to realize that it's not Johnny's car at all. It's an SUV that pulled into the driveway. The closer it got to me, I realized that the car was filled with people. And with all my luck, it's with all the people who hate me. Literally. Tory, Hawk, Devon, Kyler, and Robby.

    I shut my eyes hard, and opened them again, hoping that I was just imagining this. But nope, this was unfortunately very real. Now I'm just hoping that Johnny gets here before they get out of the car and I have to face them. Or else I may possibly rip my hair out.

    They're all getting out of the car, and I now remember that Sam mentioned she's going to the movies with all of them. My heart started racing and my palms were sweating. Please, please don't talk to me! I can't handle them all at once and I definitely can't handle them all alone. They each start to walk towards the driveway, until they spot me. I avoided eye contact for as long as I possibly could.

   "Why are you still here?" Hawk groaned at me.

   "I was invited." I shrugged with a sarcastic tone. Pretty fucking obvious why I'm here, isn't it?

    "I cant believe they let you back in the dojo. You disgraced us all." Kyler said. Yes, you read that right. KYLER out of all people had the nerve to say that. This caused me to become flustered.

    My jaw dropped as I looked at him. I couldn't believe he just said that. "Are you fucking serious? At least I didn't come into this dojo, vandalize it, and steal Mr. Miyagi's medal of honor."

    Kyler and Hawk frowned, they were already out of insults. I shook my eyes and rolled my head.

    "At least we didn't steal a bunch of money from people who actually needed it." Hawk snapped at me.

   "Yeah, I know. Im already in the middle of fixing that mistake... Once I find him, I will give everything back."

   Hawk scoffed at me, "Yeah sure... You probably still are working with him secretly. I bet this is all apart of your guys' plan, isn't it?" He said as he stepped forward trying to get in my face.

    "Yeah! It definitely was! We totally planned for me to be out into a two week coma. Good fucking job Hawk, you cracked the code." I argued sarcastically.

    He then looked away, realizing that his theory was nothing but stupid. I then made the mistake of looking past him, into Tory's eyes. They were glossy, as if she was about to cry.

   "Do you think apologizing is going to help something? You realize that since you helped him take the money, I have to community college AND my family is in debt."

   "I know... that's why I'm trying to fix it again."

    Everyone went silent, no one was sure what else to say. There was many emotions that needed to be let out, but no one knew where exactly to start. But, you know what? I was starting to grow even more frustrated. Because why were they acting like they were SO perfect? All of them were traitors, they all vandalized, stole, they all hurt people.

    "I'm really tired of you all acting like you haven't been brainwashed by him. Out of everyone, you all should be the most understanding."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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I'll Never Give Up On You. (Anthony Larusso x Reader) BOOK #2Where stories live. Discover now