Valentines Without You

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A Happy Valentine's Day text was all you had received from Joe today. You two were once again apart for a holiday or anniversary or birthday. You understood his job was demanding of his time but you really hated missing out on these special days that you could never get back with him. It sucked how the most important dates always fell during football season. You couldn't go to fun Halloween parties with him. You couldn't spend thanksgiving with him half the time. You couldn't spend his birthday with him. You couldn't spend Christmas with him. You couldn't spend new years with him sometimes and now Valentine's Day due to the fact that it fell on Super Bowl weekend and though Joe and his team sadly didn't make it this year, he still had obligations to go to events for it which meant, here you were about to spend another damn holiday alone.

You couldn't remember exactly what was the reason Joe couldn't be here. Something about a Nike event in Vegas or whatever. "Hey Y/N. There's some cupcakes and cookies for everyone in the break room." Your coworker Lisa says as she passes your office with a huge bouquet of flowers. "Woah, those are some gorgeous flowers!" You smile. "Thank you! My fiancé Alex sent them to me, it's also our 5th year anniversary." She beams. "That's sweet, happy anniversary by the way." You smile. "Thank you, how about you? Any special gifts or plans for tonight?" She asks. "Nah, my boyfriend is out of town so I'm probably just going to get take out and rewatch the office for the billionth time." You shrug. It was nice seeing everyone in the office get bouquets or balloons with some other arrangement but it also just reminded you of how you couldn't be with your boyfriend yet again and weren't going to receive at least some cute flowers or even some chocolates.

"Aw well, I'm sure he'll make up for it when he comes back." Lisa say's basically giving me a pity smile before walking away. You sigh and check your phone again to see if Joe had texted or called but all you had was a text message from pizza hut advertising their heart shaped pizza promotion for today. You roll your eyes and set your phone down. You decided to just get done and through with this day so you focused on your work the rest of the day and then made your way to your shared home with Joe. He had asked you to move in a few months ago, it sometimes helped when he was gone, you'd smell his cologne still, on his side of the bed or would put on one of his hoodies while you laid on his pillow watching tv but sometimes it didn't help and it just reminded you of how much you were actually alone in this big house.

You pulled up to the garage and parked your suv in it, closing the garage door before unlocking the side door that lead into the house. You set down your bag & keys on the marble kitchen counter and turned to see rose petals on the other side with a few heart balloons and a note on the table. You were wondering how the hell that got there, maybe the house keeper did joe a favor but they only came once a month when either of you were home. You hesitantly grabbed the note and read it.

"Put on something comfy and meet me in the basement- Joey" the note said, finished with a horribly drawn heart. This made your heart swell. You quickly made your way upstairs and changed into a pink matching sweatsuit. You also freshened up a bit like put on some mascara, chapstick and brushed your teeth and hair before heading to the basement. As soon as you opened the door you saw more rose petals leading down the stairs. You felt giddy and nervous.

Once you came down the last stair, there he was looking as handsome as ever in yet another colorful sweatsuit. He had made a huge cozy fort with a bunch of blankets, pillows,  roses every where, balloons and battery powered candles. This was exactly the type of stuff you loved. You weren't so crazy on the luxuries Joe could provide for you, you much more loved when he made wholesome creative efforts like this. "Aw baby this is so cute! How did you do all this? And when did you get here?" You ask looking around while walking up to him to give him a big hug and as soon as you wrapped your arms around that Brahman, you lost it. "Hey.. honey no, don't cry." He says holding you tighter in his arms. "I'm sorry, I've just missed you so much Joey. It was hard going through the holidays without you and I thought today was going to be the same." You sniffle and he pulls back to wipe away your tears. "I'm sorry baby, I should of just told you I'd be here this morning after you left for work. I didn't mean to make you cry." He says. "I'm mostly crying because I'm happy you're here & this is so damn cute. I feel bad for not getting you anything." You pout. "You're all I need baby." He smiles before kissing you. The kiss was as deep as you had ever felt before. So much emotion and passion behind it, it just showed how much you two missed each other. "C'mon let's go to the fort, I ordered food from that sushi place you like and got us champagne." Joe smiles. You two happily get in the fort which he even had put Christmas lights in it and you realized he also had his iPad in there to watch movies. It was a perfect Valentine's Day with your favorite person where you had spent the rest of the night in his arms.

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