Vodka Sodas

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The club you were in was booming with loud music and crowded with people. Thankfully, courtesy to your good friend Joe, you were able to sit in VIP. "I don't think I've ever seen Joe this drunk before..." Your friend Lana says over the loud music. You look over to Joe who was taking another shot with his friends and doing his famous finger gun dance. Poor guy had the rhythm of a tree branch. "I think he's going through something." You shrug. "Well one of the guys just told me he claimed he was a single man, so maybe that." Lana says. You wondered if that was true, Joe hadn't said anything about breaking up with his long term girlfriend Chelsea but that would explain why he's even out at a club in the first place and invited all his friends and she's no where to be seen.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, do you need to go?" You ask Lana over the music. "No, I can go with you though!" She says. "That's okay, it's right there!" You shake your head pointing at where the bathrooms were which were fairly close to the vip sections. She holds your drink and  make your way past everyone to the bathroom when you feel a hand tug on your arm. You turn to see Joe. "You're leaving?!" He asks looking shocked and you laugh. "Bathroom!!" You say back. "I'll go with you." He says and you just nod. He followed you through the crowd of people holding onto your hip which you didn't really mind but felt a bit weird about it only because you weren't sure about if him being single was true and you two were just friends. You two make it to the bathrooms going your separate ways and once you were done and came Bach out Joe was leaning against the wall waiting for you. "You didn't have to wait." You chuckle at him. "People are weird, better than safe than sorry." He shrugs. His eyes hanging low, signaling that he was very inebriated. "You doing okay? You're not much of a club or drink person especially when there's nothing to celebrate." You ask him before hearing back out to the hundreds of people and loud music. "Yeah, just wanted to hang out with everyone.! Was tired of being home all the time." He says grabbing your hand and taking you back to the VIP section. "Take a shot with me!" Joe says over the loud music and you agree. He hands you what you were assuming was tequila and did a quick cheers before throwing the strong liquid down your throat.

The night continues on like that, you end up stopping at one point but Joe sort of just kept going. Even the guys had tapped out. We shut the club down and Joe was tremendously inebriated. Running into people as he left the club and getting agitated as if it wasn't his fault. "Hush! C'mon the car is over here!" You tell Joe as he snapped at some stranger that he ran into. Everyone left in their own cars, saying goodbye. "You think he's gonna be able to make it home alone okay?" His friend and teammate Tee asks me as he helps me get Joe in the SUV. "Uh, I might just take him to mine, he's to drunk to be left alone." You say to him. "You sure?" He asks. "Yeah, I got it." You nod. "Bye girl, good luck and lay him on his side!" Lana says hugging me. "Aye man, Y/N here is gonna take you to her place, listen to her!" Tee says to Joe who was completely blasted. "We're having a sleepover?!" Joe says excitedly to you and you snort. "Have fun with that." Tee says as you get into the car next to Joe and Tee closes the door waving at you too.

"Where to miss?" The driver asks. "Another club!! I'm ready for another Vodka Soda!" Joe says rather loudly and you shush him. "I'm so sorry about my friend here." You say to the driver who was chuckling. "Psh, I'm not." Joe says and you roll your eyes at him. You give the driver your address and he starts to drive. "Where are we going?" Joe asks looking over at you as you text Lana about how drunk Joe was. "My house." You say and he gasp. "So we are having a sleepover, nice!" He says nodding. "Do you even have your house keys on you?" You ask him and he starts patting his pockets. "Oops" Joe giggles and you shake your head. "That's something we'll deal with when you're not drunk." You sigh. "I'm not drunk, I'm tipsy" Joe argues back all defensive. "Whatever you sat just chill out until we get home." You say to him and he sighs. "You chill out." He says under his breath mimicking you. This was going to be a long night. 

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