Galentines (Smut+Fluff)

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"I'm so sorry to be canceling last minute but Ryan is running a fever and Matt isn't coming home for another three hours so it didn't feel right just leaving my mom with the baby like this." Your best friend says over the phone. "It's alright, I completely understand. I Hope Ryan feels better." You reply back. "We can rain check maybe next week, I'll call you!" she says. "Yeah that's fine, I'll talk to you later. Bye." You say before hanging up and letting out a sigh looking around your decorated home. You had planned a little Galentines night with all your girl friends since tomorrow was Valentine's day and they'd be with their significant others but everyone has either canceled on you or just simply not shown up. You were annoyed at the fact that no one cared enough to come. You knew all the cancelations were complete lies.

Taking a picture of the set up you put on your story with the caption "The gangs all here." Not caring if made anyone upset. Putting your phone on the kitchen counter you look at all the snacks and drinks you had ready for everyone and you start to put things away. You make a mental note to give your neighbors at least some of the cookies and cupcakes you had bought knowing there was no way you could eat all this food before it went bad. The sushi alone you'd have to figure out away to eat it all before it went bad. Shaking your head you reach over to the pink champagne but before you could open it there was a knock on at the door. Despite being upset that no one had showed up you run over to the door hopeful it was either a misunderstanding with time or someone was just running late but when you open the door you were confused to see who it was.

"Joe? What brings you by at 9:30 on a Thursday night?" You lighty chuckle at the tall blond who had a pink hoodie on with purple sweatpants and his ugg slippers. "I uh, kind of saw your story and thought I would drop by since I only live like 10 minutes away." He shrugs. "To a girls night?" You chuckle, before you understood why he was actually here for seeing the look on his face. "Oh...." You nod feeling embarrassed that he was here out of pity. "I know how excited you were for this and it sucks no one came. Thought you might need a friend tonight." Joe gives you a warm smile stuffing this hands inside his hoodie. "That's actually very sweet of you but I'm sure you don't want to sit around watching romcoms while painting our nails in our pajamas and we sip pink champagne & stuff our faces with junk food." You shake your head looking down at your feet. "Um, that's exactly what I came for. Pft, why do you think I'm dressed like this? Now c'mon I'm ready for a girls night. Show me the girl stuff." He says making you laugh before you move out of the way to let him inside.

Shutting the door behind him Joe looks around at all the pink balloons, fuzzy blankets and pillows in the living room along with the pink and red buckets you have with Valentines day themed pampering products. "You did all this and they didn't show?" Joe asks turning to you. "Unfortunately, and I just put away a bunch of food in the fridge that I surely can't eat all by myself so that should feel good to throw out and waste it in a few days." You say sarcastically. "That really sucks, I'm sorry." Joe looks at you with a sympathetic look. "It's whatever, I just hope they expect me to go to their things anymore." You roll your eyes. "But, c'mon help yourself to all the snacks you want." You smile at him as he follows you to the kitchen. "Did you bake these yourself?" Joe asks as you bring out the cookies. "No, I got them from some bakery downtown. Last time I got creative with baking the fire department was called to my college apartment and the entire building had to evacuate." You snort. Joe laughs as he takes a heart shaped sugar cookie.

"Any plans tomorrow?" Joe asks as he eats the cookie and you serve yourself a little plate of sushi. "Nope. You?" You ask grabbing your reusable chopsticks from the drawer. "Nothing other than a dentist appointment." He shrugs as you now open the bottle of champagne. "Some pink bubbly?" You ask holding the bottle in your hands as you grab the heart shaped champagne glass. "I'll drink all the pink champagne you have, might have to pass out on your couch though." Joe nods. "I had my guest room prepared incase anyone needed to stay, feel free to crash there." You nod grabbing another glass and pouring Joe one. "Only If you have more of those soft fuzzy pink blankets in there." Joe nods making you laugh. You couldn't help but to think Joe sweet he was for coming over like this and cheering you up. You and Joe had known each other since OSU, you've seen him through his highs and lows, always being there for him no matter what and this proved he was there for you too.

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