Shots and Cells

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You were sleeping in bed when you felt your phone vibrate out of your deep slumber. You goran turning and see that it said "J.C" which meant it was Ja'Marr. 'What the hell..."You groggily say. "Hello?" You answer still very much half asleep. "Finally you answer!" Ja'Marr says with stress in his voice. "Don't be pissed but uh...Joe kind of got arrested." He says. "What?! What for? "You ask looking over at the time on your alarm clock. It said 2:32am. "Some guy kept talking shit to Joe at the club we were at and Joe had a lot to drink so they got in each others face. By the time Me or any of the guys got to Joe, he had knuckles full of blood and security swarmed him." Ja'Marr sighs. "Jesus Christ, did you guys bail him out?" You ask. "Nah, Tee and a few of the guys stayed at the club to talk about paying for the damages to the club owner. I think they broke a table and some alcohol bottles all over the floor. I'm going to the city impound lot because apparently they towed Joe's car since it was in valet and they wanted him and anything they own off the property. So, maybe you can go bail him out? We'll send you some cash if you need it." He offers. "Nah I got it, thanks. Let me know about the car." You sigh getting out of bed. "You got it." he says before you two hang up. You were left in disbelief.

You don't rush getting ready. You wanted him to sit there and think of how stupid he could be to get drunk and fight at some club where he knew, that everyone knew him in. After putting on some sweat pants and throwing on a Bangals hoodie you throw a hat over your bed hair and grab your phone, keys and wallet. You walk to the front door of your apartment and slip on your vans. You had already been wearing socks since it was freezing in your apartment now in the middle of February.

You leave locking the door and make your way over to the freezing cold parking garage power walking your way to your car and getting in. You search for the nearest bond place on GPS making your way over there. You enter the place and walk up the guy who was at the counter. "What can I do for you?" The guy says. He smelled like newports and axe spray almost making you cringe. "Uh yes Hi, I'm here to place a bail bond for Joseph Burrow." You say. Those were words you never thought you'd say and he does a double take when he hears the name but doesn't say anything.

"Looks like he's been processed, his bond is set at 3,000 dollars'll be 300 dollars." The guy says popping his gum. You hand him the credit card Joe had given you in case of emergencies. You never wanted to take it but he insisted over and over again since he was 'always away and you just never know'. Who would of thought it would of been used for this. You pay the bail and the man hands you paperwork instating that the bail had been placed and paid for. You thank him and head over to the county Jail.

There was actually a few people in the station once you walked in that also seemed to be in your shoes. You walk up to the front desk and you're greeted by a blonde woman. "Who brings you in this time of night?" She says with a smile on her face. "Joseph Burrow." You sigh. "Ah, yes... Mr. QB...let me see if they accepted the bond." She says searching on her computer. You could feel everyone's eyes on you once you said his name. You couldn't even imagine what's being said online right now let alone in a few hours.

"Alright, he's good to go...just take a seat and he'll be out in a moment. Let me get you his things." She says and you nod. She comes back and she hands you a plastic bag which contains his phone, jewelry, wallet and keys.

You sat there for like 35 minutes watching a bunch of people being release but no sign of Joe. After feeling like you waited an eternity, Joe finally steps out from the door that leads behind the counter the lady that attended you at. "You get some rest now darling, and Ice that hand. We need that super bowl win next season." She says to Joe and he just nods and says a low thanks. You could tell he was mortified. He looked like absolute hell, his shirt was stretched and ripped with blood on it which you weren't sure if it was his or the other guys. His hand was bruised and covered in blood as well and he still looked under the influence. His lip was pretty busted and he had dark circles under his eyes. You couldn't help but to just look at him, you just couldn't believe your eyes.

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