Uncle Joe

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It was a Sunday afternoon and you were currently on the couch watching some raunchy comedy while your boyfriend Joe was in his office talking some football stuff out with some people you had no clue who they were. This was a typical day in your household after the football season ends for Joe and you had no work to attend yourself. As you were falling asleep during the movie that was playing on your tv, you get a call from your sister, which made you sigh loudly. You loved your sister, but she was currently super pregnant and super moody. Any little thing her husband did, she'd call you crying or raging about. Like yesterday, she called you crying because her husband had forgotten to get her favorite cereal at the grocery store which somehow lead to a conversation about him not finding her attractive anymore and it was just endless spiraling form her part. You understood growing another human inside you was no walk in the park and everything changes within you but you were a bit tired of it.

Bracing yourself for what was about to come, you answer the phone. "Hello?" You answer. "Y/N! It's happening!!" She says frantically over the phone. "Wait, like happening, happening? It's not those false alarm contractions!?" You ask sitting up in shock. "Nope, my water broke!" She says. "Okay! Uh-I'll be there in no time!" You say getting up from the couch. "Hurry!" She says before you hang up. You hurry upstairs to throw on some sweats, grabbing the overnight bag you made weeks ago just for this moment.

You had to watch over your two nieces while your sister gave birth since you were the only family member close enough to her to do so, so you needed to head over there immediately. "Woah, what's going here?" Joe asks walking into the bedroom seeing you frantically getting dressed and making sure you had everything. "She's having the baby!" You say putting on your shoes. "Now!? I thought she wasn't due for like a month." Joe asks confused. "That was a month ago Joe, her water broke. I really gotta go!" You say grabbing your stuff and heading downstairs, Joe right behind you. "Wait, but can I come by or something? This is my fully week off in a while and I wanted to spend it with you." Joe says giving you a small pout. "I'm sure they won't mind if you stay with me, come by later. I'm sorry but I really have to go, bye baby!" You say giving him a quick a peck. "Drive safe please! I'll call you later." He says opening the garage door for you by hitting the switch by the door.

You drive as quickly and safely as you could to your sisters which luckily wasn't that far from you and you park in front of her house running up to the front door and just letting yourself in using the key she had given you for when the family was out of town. You could hear your sister groaning in pain in the dining room. "I'm here! I'm here!!" You say making yourself known. You find your sister with her husband Nick in the dining room. She was doing breathing exercises sitting down and her husband was holding her hand looking nervous. "Thank god! I left everything prepared for the girls, they're still going to school regardless of me giving birth so you need to take them and pick them up." You sister says as her husband Nick runs to get their overnight bag. "Where's Joe?" She asks. "Uh, at home." You chuckle. "Well get his ass over here, you're not gonna be able handle those girls on your own. Trust me! " Your sister says making you roll your eyes & help her to the car.

"Okay, we have everything!" Your brother in-law Nick says out of breath as he throw's everything in the backseat. "Bye mommy!!" Your niece Lily says from the garage door. "Bye honey, Listen to what Aunt Y/N says okay?" Your sister says. Gigi, her other daughter just watched in confusion since she was only 4 and wasn't much of a talker yet. "Alright get out of here! Drive safe and keep me updated!! Good luck!!" You wave to them as they pull out of the garage. After they leave the garage the door closes and you turn to your nieces.

"Now, where are my hugs!?" You ask them and the both laugh jumping into your arms. "Can we watch movies!" Lily asks twirling into the house. "Of course we can, what do you want to watch?" You ask following them to the living room. "Moana!" Lily claps. You put on Moana for the both of them and you watch a little bit of the movie with them before Joe calls you. "Everything okay over there?" he asks over the phone. " Yeah, we're watching a movie." You say smiling at the girls. "Is that Uncle Joe? Can you tell him to bring us ice cream!? Pleaseeee." Lily asks looking over at you with puppy dog eyes. Gigi nods her head rapidly in agreement next to her sister. "Oh boy..." You mutter making Joe laugh on the phone.

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