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I was already waiting in the doorway when Carlos came back from Spielberg. After the great race at Silverstone, his car had burst into flames at Spielberg. I had been holding my breath in front of the TV, praying that nothing happened to him. And even though he was physically fine, his frustration had not escaped me. He hadn't even responded to my messages.

Nervousness rose in me.

Maybe the whole thing with me was just going too fast for him? Maybe he didn't want to see me now.

I quickly took a step back into the apartment and closed the door. My heart was racing nervously. I turned away from the door, wanting to get back to Matteo who was just playing in his room. What if we had just rushed it way too much? Maybe he had realized it during the two weeks he had been away. Maybe he had realized that it had only been lust after all.

My heart tightened convulsively, because I knew that for me it was definitely not just flirtation. It wasn't just sex, it wasn't just having someone by my side. I had fallen in love with him. I wanted to be with him. I would have loved to be with him in Spielberg too, just to hold him close.

It had hurt me incredibly to see him like that.

But if he had realized that he didn't want this after all....

I had to swallow. Just the thought of it made my heart tighten. I was so afraid that maybe he felt differently.

Immediately, tears welled up in my eyes.

We had only known each other for such a short time, but I knew it would tear my heart out.

However, I barely got two steps when there was a knock on my door.

I turned around on my heels again and rushed to the door. Carlos literally fell towards me and just wrapped his arms around my back. He pressed his nose into my hair and took a deep breath.

My heart raced as his warm scent hit my nose. Feeling his warm body against mine again sent pleasant goosebumps down my spine.

"Mi amor.", I whispered, pushing his face up.

His eyes looked so sad. I let my fingers slide over his skin. He leaned his face against my hand and closed his eyes.

"I'm so glad to be back," he panted.

I stroked through his soft hair before pulling his face down to mine and spreading soft kisses on his face before kissing his lips again. He immediately pulled me to him. My heart skipped a beat.

"Mi belleza." he whispered, breaking the kiss.

Gently, he rested his forehead against mine as he pushed me into the apartment and closed the door behind him. He held me tightly in his arm.

"I missed you so much," he murmured, kissing me again.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me and pressed my back against the wall. His lips traveled from my lips, down my neck, to my collarbone. There he buried his face. His body pressed me firmly against the wall. I felt every bit of him, but especially felt how fast his heart was beating.

"I love you, belleza." he whispered against my skin.

He brushed his lips over my collarbone.

I let my fingers slide into his hair "I love you, amor.", I replied, pressing my face against his head.

It was all happening much faster than perhaps it was right, but what was right in love? Did it even matter what was right and what was wrong and whether it was fast or not?

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